Revue des blogs – mardi 26 mai 2015
2015 : la chorégraphie / Simon Maxwell, Climat 365, blog Iddri, 11/05/2015
Simon Maxwell, économiste du développement, directeur exécutif du Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) et chercheur associé au Overseas Development Institute (Royaume-Uni), liste ici 10 actions que les gouvernements devraient, selon lui, mettre en œuvre afin de connecter les processus de négociations en cours : financement du développement, nouveau régime climatique, objectifs de développement durable… lire la suite
Le climat, c’est cuit : pourquoi la conférence climatique de Paris sera un succès /
, Oil man, blog Le Monde, 25/05/2015Entendons-nous bien : c’est cuit. Si nous voulons rester en-deçà de 2°C de réchauffement, il FAUT que les émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre commencent à décroître très fortement avant 2025. L’Union européenne adopte ces jours-ci une réforme afin de sortir du comas son marché des quotas d’émissions de CO2, l’instrument de lutte contre le réchauffement le plus ambitieux sur Terre, moribond depuis plusieurs années… lire la suite
Sweden: Decoupling GDP growth from CO2 emissions is possible / Magdalena Andersson, Minister for Finance & Isabella Lövin, Minister for International Development Cooperation, Development in a changing climate, World Bank blog, 22/05/2015
Sweden is proud to join forces with Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), convening in New York this week. Energy is one of the most decisive issues of our age. Without secure access to energy, we won’t achieve real and lasting poverty reduction. Without the expansion of clean energy, we won’t be able to stop climate change… lire la suite
Climate change is a security threat to the Arctic and the time to act is now / Charles Ebinger, Planet Policy, 22/05/2015
President Obama should be congratulated for highlighting the growing links between U.S. national security and climate change in his address before the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s graduation ceremony earlier this week. The president’s speech drew upon earlier administration documents (the Third National Climate Assessment, the White House’s 2015 National Security Strategy, the Department of Defense’s 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, and the 2014 Department of Homeland Security’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review) to highlight the numerous challenges posed to our nation and the world by climate change, including… lire la suite
Global Finance and Global Warming / Naina Lal Kidwai & Nick Robins, Project Syndicate, 22/05/2015
Since 2008, when the global financial crisis nearly brought down the world economy, financial reform has been among the top items on policymakers’ agendas. But, as leaders move from fixing the problems of the past to positioning the financial system for the future, they must also grapple with new threats to its stability, particularly those stemming from climate change… lire la suite
A Clean Energy Revolution is Tougher than You Think / Michael Levi, Energy, security and climate, 21/05/2015
Had you asked most analysts a year ago what it would take to decarbonize the transportation system without aggressive new policy you’d have got an answer something like this: You need low-carbon technologies that can beat $100 oil on its own terms. And if you ask the same question today about electric power, you’ll usually hear that zero-carbon technologies need to come in at costs under the ever-rising cost of grid-distributed, fossil fuel generated electricity, a rather fat (and growing) target… lire la suite
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