2015-Overview of climate change adaptation platforms in Europe
2015-Overview of climate change adaptation platforms in Europe / Roger Street, Eleni Karali, Kati Mattern, et al. European Energy Agency, 15/05/2015, 84 p. (Technical report No 5/2015)
As adaptation policy progresses in Europe, it is increasingly important, that people have access to relevant and high quality information. A broad range of users consider web-based adaptation platforms an effective means of collecting and sharing experiences and knowledge to interested stakeholders including policymakers, practioners and the general public. The report provides an overview on the state of play of most adaptation platform in Europe including 14 national adaptation platforms. It offers information on the scope, history, targeted users, the selection and presentation of knowledge, the links to other topics, scales and platforms as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the platforms. It also analyses existing and potential links of the platforms to climate services and Disaster risk reduction (DRR) platforms.
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Danièle Revel (26 mai 2015). 2015-Overview of climate change adaptation platforms in Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obsz