China’s Coming of Age on Climate Change : Just in time for Paris?
China’s Coming of Age on Climate Change : Just in time for Paris? / Aurélie Faure Schuyer & John Seaman. Note de l’Ifri, mai 2015, 30 p.
Presentation ( © Ifri) :
The upcoming Paris climate conference (COP21) is opening the door to a new post-2020 climate regime in which China and other large emitters will have to provide strong evidence of their domestic efforts in addressing global warming in the next century.
China’s domestic climate policy remains consistent in favoring robust action to reduce the country’s projected emissions trajectory and its impact on climate change. An increased emphasis on environmental protection at the political level, the identification of clean energy technologies as new strategic industries for China and a push to restructure the country’s economy towards less energy-intensive sectors, provide an outlook scenario for a peak in CO2 emissions by 2030. This was ultimately the target offered by China in its landmark climate agreement with the US in November 2014, which also saw China agreeing to achieve 20% of its energy production from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030… read more
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Danièle Revel (27 mai 2015). China’s Coming of Age on Climate Change : Just in time for Paris? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse