Bringing it home : Making a global deal on climate change a reality
Bringing it home : Making a global deal on climate change a reality / Edited by Ed Wallis. The Fabian Society ; Foundation for European Progressive Studies, May 2015, 82 p.
Presentation (© Fabian Society) :
In December, politicians, campaigners and diplomats will come together in Paris for the latest in a series of UN negotiations aimed at tackling the world’s greatest collective challenge: how to catalyse action on climate change. But whether or not these talks put us on a plausible path to keeping global temperature rises to 2C – the generally agreed safe limit – will ultimately be up to us.
The UN gathering is one of the most complex diplomatic negotiations in the history of mankind, with all kinds of competing political, economic, social, not to mention environmental, interests around the table. In the end, however, our political leaders respond to their national political interests and so public pressure is crucial to securing stretching deal.
But there is currently no sense that climate change is high on the political or public ‘to-do’ list. The UK is in a crucial election year, but a discussion about the future of our planet is not on the agenda. As Ruth Davis points out in this collection of essays, the fact that people at present might be more focused on jobs or the NHS is hardly surprising; in fact, it’s a perfectly sensible response to what she calls the “junkie politics” of the climate debate: “riding high on NGO calls to save the world one minute, and crashed out against the realities of international relations the next.” The chaos of Copenhagen in 2009, the last time the world came together to try to pin down a deal, is a case in point… lire la suite
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Danièle Revel (27 mai 2015). Bringing it home : Making a global deal on climate change a reality. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse