Handbook of clean energy systems
Handbook of Clean Energy Systems / ed. by Jinyue Yan. Wiley, June 2015, 4032 p. (6 vol.) – ISBN: 978-1-118-38858-7
Description (© Wiley) :
The world energy crisis cannot be addressed with one unique solution; it is widely recognized that we must develop a variety of systems and technologies in parallel, developing a range of strategies for the clean and sustainable generation of energy, whilst also taking care to consider the environmental, social and economic impacts.
The Handbook of Clean Energy Systems consolidates a wealth of information from this interdisciplinary research field in a single online reference work. With an international team of renowned editors, advisory board members, and contributors from academia and industry, the Handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and practical applications in clean energy research across six themed volumes:
Vol. 1 – Renewable Energy: Biomass resources and biofuel production; Bioenergy Utilization; Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Geothermal Energy; Tidal Energy.
Vol. 2 – Clean Energy Conversion Technologies: Steam/Vapor Power Generation; Gas Turbines Power Generation; Reciprocating Engines; Fuel Cells; Cogeneration and Polygeneration.
Vol. 3 – Mitigation Technologies: Carbon Capture; Negative Emissions System; Carbon Transportation; Carbon Storage; Emission Mitigation Technologies; Efficiency Improvements and Waste Management; Waste to Energy.
Vol. 4 – Intelligent Energy Systems: Future Electricity Markets; Diagnostic and Control of Energy Systems; New Electric Transmission Systems; Smart Grid and Modern Electrical Systems; Energy Efficiency of Municipal Energy Systems; Energy Efficiency of Industrial Energy Systems; Consumer Behaviors; Load Control and Management; Electric Car and Hybrid Car; Energy Efficiency Improvement.
Vol. 5 – Energy Storage: Thermal Energy Storage; Chemical Storage; Mechanical Storage; Electrochemical Storage; Integrated Storage Systems.
Vol. 6 – Sustainability of Energy Systems: Sustainability Indicators, Evaluation Criteria, and Reporting; Regulation and Policy; Finance and Investment; Emission Trading; Modeling and Analysis of Energy Systems; Energy vs. Development; Low Carbon Economy; Energy Efficiencies and Emission Reduction.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (23 juin 2015). Handbook of clean energy systems. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obuz