Enabling renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
Enabling Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technologies : Opportunities in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean / Ingrid Barnsley, Amanda Blank and Adam Brown. Paris IEA, 2015, 119 p. (insights series 2015)
Présentation (© IEA) :
The increased deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies (RE&EET) in the South Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region and in the Early Transition Countries (ETC) could bring a host of benefits, including enhanced energy security, increased national revenues and environmental gains. This new IEA Insights paper considers policy options for supporting the deployment of RE&EET, as well as the surrounding factors that can enable – or indeed impede – the successful implementation of such support policies in both regions. Drawing on a wealth of IEA analyses and policy experiences globally, the paper: provides a summary of the energy profiles of the ETC and SEMED regions; highlights overarching, “enabling” factors that can help to set the necessary foundations for the successful implementation of policy to support RE&EET deployment; analyses policy options for both RE and EE, drawing on practical examples and highlighting indicative policies that correspond with varying levels of market maturity; and provides a checklist for assessing the level of supportiveness of national policy frameworks for RE&EET. The paper concludes by pointing to the significant potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy gains in both regions.
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Danièle Revel (23 juin 2015). Enabling renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obv2