Renewable Energies and European Landscapes : Lessons from Southern European Cases
Renewable Energies and European Landscapes : Lessons from Southern European Cases / ed. by Marina Frolova, María-José Prados & Alain Nadaï. Springer, 2015 – ISBN 978-94-017-9843-3
Présentation de l’ouvrage (© Springer) :
This book provides timely, multidisciplinary cross-national comparison of the institutional and social processes through which renewable energy landscapes have emerged in Southern Europe. On the basis of case studies in these countries, it analyzes the way in which and the extent to which the development of renewable energies has affected landscape forms and whether or not it has contributed to a reformulation of landscape practices and values in these countries. Landscape is conceived broadly, as a material, social, political and historical process embedded into the local realm, going beyond aesthetic.
The case studies analyze renewable energy landscapes in Southern Europe on different political and geographical scales and compare different types of renewable energy such as wind, hydro, solar and biomass power. The contributors are leading experts from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. The book is intended for researchers, graduate students and professionals interested in geography, landscape and planning.
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Danièle Revel (2 juillet 2015). Renewable Energies and European Landscapes : Lessons from Southern European Cases. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse