Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés du 6 au 10 juillet 2015
Negotiating Effective Institutions Against Climate Change / Christian Gollier and Jean Tirole. Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, July 2015, 36 p. (Discussion Paper 2015-72)
Abstract : In environmental matters, the free riding generated by the lack of collective action is aggravated by concerns about leakages and by the desire to receive compensation in future negotiations. The dominant “pledge-and-review” approach to mitigation will deliver appealing promises and renewed victory statements, only to prolong the waiting game. The climate change global commons problem will be solved only through coherent carbon pricing. We discuss the roadmap for the negotiation process. Negotiators must return to the fundamentals: the need for uniform carbon pricing across countries, for verification, and for a governance process to which countries would commit. Each country would enjoy subsidiarity in its allocation of efforts within the country. We suggest an enforcement scheme based on financial and trade penalties to induce all countries to participate and comply with the agreement. Finally, the choice among economic approaches, whether a carbon price commitment or a cap-and-trade, is subject to trade-offs, on which alternative reasonable views may co-exist. We discuss monitoring reasons for why we personally favor an international cap-and-trade agreement.
Regular Review and Rounds of Collective Action and National Contributions the 2015 Climate Agreement: A Proposal / Thomas Spencer, Michel Colombier, Alexandra Deprez, Céline Ramstein, Sha Fu, Ji Zou & Xiaohua Zhang. Paris : Iddri – NCSC, 2015, 22 p.
Dans le cadre d’une réflexion commune qui a donné lieu en 2014 à un article sur le cadre d’atténuation (mitigation framework) dans le futur accord climatique, l’Iddri et le National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (Chine) publient un nouvel article traitant des dimensions dynamique et durable de la coopération internationale…
Finance for the Paris Climate Compact / Benito Mueller, Climate Strategies, July 2015, 5 p. (CS policy brief)
In December 2015, negotiators will converge on Paris to forge a new international climate change agreement for 2020 and beyond. This Policy Brief is about one of the preconditions for a success at Paris: a breakthrough on climate finance, or, to be more precise, on how earmarked (sub-) national contributions to support developing countries could be part of the ‘Paris Climate Compact’ proposed in the recent report on Mobilizing Climate Finance commissioned by the French Presidency.
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Danièle Revel (10 juillet 2015). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés du 6 au 10 juillet 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse