Revue des blogs – jeudi 20 août 2015
Back to the future: using scenarios to road-test the policies of tomorrow / Amanda Palazzo, Nexus, research blog of IIASA, 20/08/2015
If a company wants to build a car that is safe and reliable, they will test it in many ways. They will use wind tunnels and crash tests to identify potential weaknesses. Similarly, if policymakers want to develop the best policies possible, they need to know how their policy will look and succeed in several different, but realistic, possible futures. We call these futures, scenarios… lire la suite
COP-21: les promesses loin des 2°C / Sylvestre Huet, {Sciences2}, 20/08/2015
Même si elles sont tenues, les promesses des États à la COP-21 ne permettront pas d’atteindre les objectifs climatiques visés. C’est ce qu’affirme une étude du Grantham Institute, de la London School of Economics (ici)… lire la suite
Nord Stream: The Sequel / Chi-Kong Chyon & David Reiner, euobserver, 12/08/2015
Summer is the time for movie blockbusters and some film studios prefer safer sequels over original plots, often independent of the success of the original. So it is perhaps appropriate that Gazprom recently proposed to expand its Nord Stream gas pipeline to ship more gas directly to Germany… lire la suite
Russia’s gas pipeline strategy and Europe’s alternatives / Chi-Kong Chyon, Director of Energy Policy Forum & Researchers at EPRG, University of Cambridge, EurActiv, 3/07/2015
Europe depends heavily on Russian gas, but Gazprom’s plan to stop using Ukrainian pipelines will require a new EU strategy… lire la suite
Carbon Tax: Practicalities of Cutting a Deal / Timothy Taylor, Conversable Economist, 18/08/2015
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