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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés : vendredi 21 août 2015

Tracking intended nationally determined contributions: what are the implications for greenhouse gas emissions in 2030? / Rodney Boyd, Joe Cranston Turner and Bob Ward. ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy & Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, August 2015, 19 p. (Policy paper)

New analysis finds that emissions pledges ahead of UN climate summit are not ambitious enough to avoid dangerous climate change.
The pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that have been made so far by countries ahead of a crucial climate change summit are not sufficient to avoid dangerous global warming of more than 2 centigrade degrees, according to an analysis published 19 August 2015… lire la suite du communiqué de presse

Advancing Comparative Climate Change Politics: Theory & Methods / Mark Purdon. Global Environmental Politics, vol. 15, n° 3, 2015, 26 p.

Abstract : Central to this paper is the notion that the methods and conceptual tools of comparative politics can improve our understanding of global climate change politics. Building on recent advancements in the field of comparative environmental politics as well as new research, the paper offers a comprehensive treatment of climate change politics in developed countries, emerging economies and least developed countries. In this paper, I distill the key features of comparative politics, advocate for the more rigorous application of comparative methods in climate politics scholarship and highlight three groups of political factors—institutions, interests and ideas—that hold considerable promise in explaining climate change politics at the domestic level. The paper concludes with an appeal to (re)think how international and domestic politics interact.

Reimagining India’s Urban Future : A Framework for Securing High-Growth, Low-Carbon, Climate- Resilient Urban Development in India / Meenu Tewari, Zeba Aziz, Mitchell Cook et al. Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Aug. 2015, 56 p. (Working Paper 306)

(…) This paper reviews the current state of the literature on Indian urbanization to analyze existing urban development trajectories at the state level in order to understand the challenges Indian cities face as well as the opportunities available to them to adopt transformative urban processes that can foster inclusive economic growth that is also low-carbon. The paper explores the role of (urban) energy, multimodal transport, smart infrastructure, green buildings, water and urban finance to explore how and to what extent states are able to balance economic growth, urbanization and carbon emissions…

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Danièle Revel (21 août 2015). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés : vendredi 21 août 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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