CO2 emissions induced by EU’s final use of products are estimated to be 9 tonnes per capita
CO2 emissions induced by EU’s final use of products are estimated to be 9 tonnes per capita / Stephan Moll & Isabelle Remond-Tiedrez. Eurostat, 6 p. (Statistics in focus)
Eurostat estimates the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) induced by the EU’s final use of products to be 9 tonnes per capita per year. The modelling-estimations are based on environmentally extended input-output tables which have been compiled for the very first time for the aggregated EU. The integrated data form a powerful basis for researchers and policy advisors – some illustrative examples related to environmental and macro-economic policies are presented in this Statistics in Focus… (© Eurostat)
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Danièle Revel (30 mai 2011). CO2 emissions induced by EU’s final use of products are estimated to be 9 tonnes per capita. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse