Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (2 septembre 2015)
Les villes et le climat, quelles visions ? / Jean Haëntjens, Futuribles, n° 408, sept-oct. 2015
Face à la difficulté de parvenir à un accord mondial pour faire face aux défis du changement climatique, voire à un programme national de résilience, de plus en plus d’initiatives émergent de l’échelon local, visant à prendre les devants et à mettre en œuvre des politiques d’adaptation ou de lutte contre le changement climatique. C’est le cas de plusieurs villes à travers le monde (Copenhague, Totnes, Växjö, Bristol…), mais comme le montre ici Jean Haëntjens, répondre efficacement au changement climatique requiert l’élaboration d’une véritable vision stratégique à même de mobiliser l’ensemble des acteurs concernés ; or, pour l’heure, rares sont les villes qui ont su développer une telle vision.
What Counts: Tools to Help Define and Understand Progress Towards the $100 Billion Climate Finance Commitment / Paul Bodnar, Jessica Brown & Smita Nakhooda. Climnate Policy Initiative, World Resources Institute, Aug. 2015, 27 p.
Abstract : As Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) design a post-2020 climate agreement and establish their national contributions within it, the question of progress toward existing climate finance targets has become a sticking point. While mobilizing $100 billion will not meet the climate investment challenge by itself, the goal is currently the primary political benchmark for assessing progress on climate finance. This paper aims to make a positive contribution in the lead up to Paris by first unpacking the key variables Parties have emphasized in debates about “what counts”, and then proposing an approach to classifying climate finance that Parties could use as a starting point for their analyses and interpretations. It takes no position on what should count towards the $100 billion: instead it organizes different aspects of climate finance in politically relevant ways that could help facilitate clearer understanding and convergence.
Economic resilience: what role for policies? / Aida Caldera Sánchez, Morten Rasmussen and Oliver Röhn. Paris : OECD, July 2015, 46 p.
Abstract : The global financial crisis highlighted the importance of strengthening the resilience of our economies to adverse shocks. In this paper, we take stock of studies carried out primarily within, but also outside the OECD, to better understand the role of macroeconomic and structural policies in spurring or mitigating the vulnerabilities that can lead to costly shocks, as well as the role of policies in mitigating the shock impact and speeding the recovery. Then we offer tentative insights on how policies can be geared to address vulnerabilities early on, mitigate the impact of shocks and speed recoveries, as well as highlight possible trade-offs that exist across policy areas.
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Danièle Revel (2 septembre 2015). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (2 septembre 2015). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse