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World Energy Trilemma: Priority actions on climate change and how to balance the trilemma

World Energy Trilemma: Priority actions on climate change and how to balance the trilemma. London : World Energy Council ; Oliver Wyman, May 2015, 58 p.

Présentation du rapport par Futuribles :

Le Conseil mondial de l’énergie (CME), qui regroupe des organismes et entreprises publiques et privées du secteur de l’énergie d’une centaine de pays, présente les conclusions de conférences qu’il a organisées dans les grandes régions du monde dans la perspective de la prochaine conférence des parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (COP21), prévue fin 2015 à Paris, et du lancement par l’Organisation des Nations unies de nouveaux « Objectifs pour le millénaire », en septembre, parmi lesquels l’énergie doit occuper une place centrale… lire la suite

Presentation (© WEC) :

To assist policymakers as they set climate and development goals and design policies in international and domestic forums, the World Energy Council, in partnership with global management consultancy Oliver Wyman, has published the 2015 “World Energy Trilemma report: Priority actions on climate change and how to balance the trilemma”.

Workshops across all the Council’s regions and interviews with energy leaders from both the public and private sectors lead to one overarching message: the energy sector is ready for an ambitious climate agreement and calls for an international framework with a single measurable target for GHG emissions that enables fair competition and sets a clear pathway towards low-carbon energy systems.

Regional and national differences and priorities call for different solutions, but all agree that the level of uncertainty created by the continued lack of an international climate framework is not acceptable. The energy sector points to five priority action areas to support the implementation of an effective framework and ensure climate and development goals can be achieved.

The 2015 report builds on the previously developed dialogue among energy leaders discussing what is needed to succeed in overcoming the energy trilemma – the triple challenge of finding solutions that simultaneously address the three key aspects of energy security for economic growth, energy equity for social stability, and environmental sustainability.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (4 septembre 2015). World Energy Trilemma: Priority actions on climate change and how to balance the trilemma. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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