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Smart cities: business models and ecosystems

Smart cities: business models and ecosystems, Journal of Strategy and Management, vol. 8, n° 3, special issue, 2015

Contents :

  • Regional framework conditions for future careers related to transport and mobility / Alexandra David & Judith Terstriep (pp. 211 – 230)
  • The diffusion of smart meters in France: A discussion of the empirical evidence and the implications for smart cities / Adnane Kendel & Nathalie Lazaric (pp. 231 – 244)
  • Innovative public-private partnership to support Smart City: the case of “Chaire REVES” / Laurent Dupont, Laure Morel & Claudine Guidat (pp. 245 – 265)
  • Smart city or smart citizens? The Barcelona case / Ignasi Capdevila & Matías I. Zarlenga (pp. 266 – 282)
  • Resource-based co-innovation through platform ecosystem: experiences of mobile payment innovation in China / Junying Zhong & Marko Nieminen (pp. 283 – 298


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Danièle Revel (7 septembre 2015). Smart cities: business models and ecosystems. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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