Clean energy in Vietnam after COP21
Clean energy in Vietnam after COP21, Workshop, Hanoi, 16-18 décembre 2015
–> l’appel à communications est ouvert jusqu’au 26 octobre
There is a mounting tension between Vietnamese and international energy/climate policies. For example, Vietnam plans to build mostly coal power plants to increase its electricity generation capacity, while many developed countries are leaving this technology behind. The COP21 is an opportunity for clean energy in Vietnam, which has plenty of untapped natural ressources. Is Vietnam at the eve of a green rush ?
The CleanED lab has been created one year ago to contribute to the clean development of the energy sector in Vietnam. We are honored to invite our colleagues to share and discuss new results on clean energy technologies, ressources and policies, with a special interest to Vietnam in the postCOP21 context.
The workshop is open to disciplinary or interdisciplinary papers drawing from the Electrical Engineering, Process Engineering, Public Policy, Technology Assessment, Economics, Social Psychology and other areas of Science and Technology. Attendance is free, by registration, and a limited number of grants is available for selected speakers from Vietnam or abroad.
Deeadlines :
- October 5th : first announcement for call for papers
- October 26th : abstract submission deadline
- November 2nd : acceptance
- December 16th : preevent public conference “Investing in Clean Energy in Vietnam after COP21” at the French Institute
- December 17th and 18th : academic workshop
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (8 octobre 2015). Clean energy in Vietnam after COP21. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse