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Revue des blogs – jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Demand response and contractual distortions in electricity retailing / Claude Crampes, Thomas-Olivier Léautier, TSE debate, 13/10/2015

Active demand response, i.e. the ability for customers to reduce their consumption and resell power into spot markets, is a recent and important development in the power industry, in Europe and in North America. Most observers agree that higher penetration of non-dispatchable renewable energy sources will increase the importance of demand flexibility. Since few customers are expected to enroll in Real Time Pricing contracts, active demand response is considered a promising avenue towards demand flexibility… lire la suite

Energy security and natural gas markets in Europe: Lessons from the EU and the U.S. / , PlanetPolicy, 13/10/2015

Several important lessons can be learned in the midst of the fierce debate among pundits, policymakers, and energy commentators about the European Union’s diversification away from Russian gas supplies. These are outlined below and are derived from extensive fieldwork, a review of the energy security literature, and analysis of decades of market and institutional developments in the European Union. For those interested in a more detailed analysis, my recent book may be of interest. The chief lessons are both plain and simple, though their implementation arguably less so… lire la suite

Big Oil Price Moves Reveal Less Than You May Think / Michael Levi, Energy, Security, and Climate, 13/10/2015

What do the remarkable swings in oil prices over recent months tell us about the state of the oil production, consumption, and the global economy? One would think a lot: rising prices signal weakening production, growing demand from consumers, and a relatively healthy global economy; falling prices reveal robust output, slow consumer demand growth, and, more broadly, a faltering global economy… lire la suite

Les financements pour le climat: décryptage en 10 chiffres / Alix Mazounie, RAC, blog Huffington Post, 13/10/2015

100 milliards de dollars par an, à l’horizon 2020, c’est l’objectif fixé par les pays développés à Copenhague pour fournir un soutien financier aux pays en développement leur permettant d’exploiter leur potentiel en réduction d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre et faire face aux impacts existants et futurs du dérèglement climatique… lire la suite

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Danièle Revel (15 octobre 2015). Revue des blogs – jeudi 15 octobre 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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