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Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 9 novembre 2015

A holistic framework for the study of interdependence between electricity and gas sectors / Donna Peng & Rahmatallah Poudineh. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2015, 88 p. (OIES paper: EL 16)

The increasing global use of natural gas for power generation has resulted in a period of interdependence between two important energy industries. Understanding of the extended gas-to-power supply chain is important for industry agents, power and gas system operators or integrated utilities, regulators, and government bodies responsible for overall energy policy. This paper seeks to align the study of gas and power industries by providing a holistic framework for the thorough identification and discussion of power and gas sector structure, infrastructure, market, and regulatory drivers. It acts as a lens through which the combined gas and power supply chains of any given country can be observed and understood. The gas-to-power supply chain of the United Kingdom is profiled to illustrate how the framework proposed can be applied to integrate the various dimensions of power and gas industries.

Renewable Energy in Latin America 2015: An Overview of Policies. Irena, June 2015, 20 p. (Policy brief)

All this has translated into a rich legacy of policies and legislation related to renewable energy. Renewable Energy in Latin America 2015: An Overview of Policies, prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), analyses over 300 renewable energy support schemes across Latin America and provides the most up-to-date review of the subject in the region. It is based on research on national sources and information, part of this contained in the IEA/IRENA Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures Database, but also expanded by consulting national experts and policymakers.

Can current electricity markets cope with high shares of renewables? A comparison of approaches in Germany, the UK and the State of New York / M. Pollitt and K. Anaya. Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group, 2015, 30 p. (EPRG working paper ; 1519)

This paper looks at the empirical and theoretical background to high shares of renewables in the electricity system. First we examine what is meant by ‘high shares’ of renewables; next we consider what we mean by electricity ‘markets’; then we discuss what the term ‘cope with’ implies; before returning to the suitability of ‘current’ electricity markets. Second, we turn to three examples of jurisdictions – Germany, the UK and the State of New York in the US – with specific aspirations for decarbonisation and the role of renewables. Each exhibits very different approaches to the way they are adjusting their electricity market design to cope with high shares of renewables. We suggest that a new wave of electricity experiments is beginning around the theme of how to incorporate large shares of intermittent renewable generation in to electricity systems.

Ressources minérales et énergie. Rapport du groupe « Sol et sous-sol » de l’Alliance Ancre. Juin 2015, 75 p.

L’accroissement de la population mondiale et l’intensification de la consommation de ressources entraîneront d’ici 2050 une forte augmentation des besoins en matières premières minérales. Les enjeux sont considérables et concernent aussi bien la maîtrise de la ressource elle-même que celle des impacts environnementaux et énergétiques associés à son extraction. Les problèmes liés à l’énergie et aux matières premières minérales sont en effet indissociables :  les métaux sont nécessaires pour construire les infrastructures de production, de stockage, de transport et de distribution d’énergie tandis que l’énergie est nécessaire à la production des métaux.   Ce rapport fait un point sur les enjeux scientifiques et technologiques associés au problème de l’approvisionnement en matières premières en tenant compte des besoins associés en énergie. Il illustre les liens entre ces deux secteurs, et passe en revue les principaux axes de recherche qui devraient faire l’objet de programmes dédiés au niveau national et international.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (9 novembre 2015). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 9 novembre 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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