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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 9 novembre 2015

Carbon pricing: how best to use the revenue? / Alex Bowen. Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment & London School of Economics, Nov. 2015, 28 p. (Policy brief)

Putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions – carbon pricing – is a powerful tool to encourage reductions in emissions and innovations in low-carbon technologies across all sectors of the economy in a market-friendly way. It can also raise considerable amounts of revenue for governments, which in turn raises a crucial question: how should these new revenues be spent? This Policy Brief examines the arguments for the three main classes of spending proposals. It also discusses the merits of formal earmarking or ‘hypothecation’ of revenues. The pros and cons of different proposals are likely to have different weights in different countries, so this brief concludes with some thoughts about the questions policymakers need to answer before they decide which proposals to adopt.

The Paris Agreement: A New Chapter in International Climate Cooperation. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Nov. 2015, 2 p.

The Wuppertal Institute just released recommendations for COP21 and beyond that may be of interest. In the paper, the Wuppertal Institute urges all states worldwide to include four central elements in the Paris Agreement:

  • A strong commitment to change instead of paltering over emission rights
  • A new paradigm: complete phase out of fossil fuels by mid-century,
  • Transparency in form of a robust reporting and review system, and
  • Ambition needs to ratchet up continuously – contributions need to be established as minimum, not maximum levels in commitment periods of maximum five years.

 Options and Issues for Restricted Linking of Emissions Trading Systems / Michael Lazarus, Lambert Schneider, Carrie Lee and Harro van Asselt. Stockholm Environment Institute, Sept. 2015, 38 p.

In this study commissioned by the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) looks at options for the restricted linking of emissions trading systems (ETS). The paper assesses four options for restricted linking: quotas, one-way linking, exchange rates and discount rates. These ‘restricted linking’ options allow units to flow among jurisdictions but with certain limitations. They can still deliver some of the economic, environmental and political benefits of full linking whilst also addressing some of the concerns raised by full harmonization. As such, it may also be a useful step for potential linking partners to consider as part of the process of establishing a full link.

Assessing the missed benefits of countries’ national contributions / Niklas Höhne & Thomas Day. New Climate Institute, updated October 2015, 74 p.

This report elaborated by NewClimate Institute with support from Climate Action Network (CAN) and the Global Call for Climate Action (GCCA), investigates the co-benefits associated with countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). It first provides an overview of the general co-benefits that climate action may have and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. We then provide illustrative results for the cobenefits achieved by the INDCs of the U.S., China, the EU, Canada, Japan, India, South Africa and Chile, as well as an indication of the forgone or missed benefits that could have been achieved through action that leads to 100% renewable energy in 2050.

Environnement et climat : d’un demi-siècle à l’autre / Jacques Theys. Futuribles, n° 409, novembre 2015, pp. 57-73

(…) comme le montre ici Jacques Theys dans le cas spécifique de la France, si le chemin parcouru est effectivement considérable s’agissant de la prise en compte des enjeux écologiques dans les politiques nationales, la route vers une transition écologique et énergétique à la hauteur des défis à venir paraît encore bien longue…

Les collectivités territoriales et le changement climatique. Rapport d’information de Jean-Marie Bockel, Caroline Cayeux, Michel Delebarre, Christian Favier, Joël Labbé, Antoine Lefèvre, Jacques Mézard et Marie-Françoise Perol-Dumont, fait au nom de la délégation aux collectivités territoriales. 22 octobre 2015, 189 p.

(…) La délégation aux collectivités territoriales s’est attachée à mettre en valeur le rôle moteur des collectivités territoriales dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. De fait, nos collectivités territoriales ont su lancer de façon exemplaire, depuis les années 1990 au moins, des actions de toutes natures favorables au climat. Grâce à ses collectivités, la France pourra se présenter lors de la Conférence de Paris comme un pays dynamique et efficace. Le présent rapport d’information vise à illustrer et à faire connaître ce puissant facteur de crédibilité de notre pays dans sa responsabilité de pays hôte de la conférence. Il vise aussi à saluer une action locale sans laquelle les engagements qui seront pris par les États resteraient très largement ineffectifs.

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Danièle Revel (9 novembre 2015). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 9 novembre 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 4 octobre 2024 à l’adresse

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