Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 16 novembre 2015
Natural gas in China: a regional analysis / Xin Li. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Nov. 2015, 41 p. (NG 103) http://www.oxfordenergy.org/2015/11/natural-gas-in-china-a-regional-analysis-2/
Natural gas is expected to provide over 10% of China’s total primary energy consumption in 2020, which is a significant increase from 6.2% in 2014. A diverse range of factors can have impacts on China’s gas demand, including resource endowment, gas-access-rate (infrastructure), industry structure, urbanization, income, gas and alternative energy price, environmental awareness, government priorities, seasonal weather variations and so on. These factors can have different impact on the sectoral gas consumption at different locations. In order to understand the impact of these drivers on gas production and consumption of different provinces in China, we conduct case studies in five provinces, including the wealthy regions (Guangdong and Beijing), the gas producing regions (Sichuan and Shaanxi), and other regions (Shandong)…
Oil & State Capitalism: Government-Firm Coopetition in China and India / Jonas Meckling, Bo Kong and Tanvi Madan. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, October 2015, 44 p. (Discussion Paper) http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/25956/oil_state_capitalism.html
This paper examines the domestic sources of the internationalization of national oil companies (NOCs) in China and India. It argues that—counter to notions of state-led internationalization—the going abroad of NOCs reflects a pattern of “coopetition,” i.e., the co-existence of cooperation and conflict between increasingly entrepreneurial NOCs and partially supportive and interventionist home governments. In China, the state has predominantly assumed the role of resource supplier, rarely stepping in as a veto player. In India, the NOC-government relationship has been more adversarial, with the state intervening more often as a veto player than its Chinese counterpart and only slowly emerging as a resource supplier. These patterns of internationalization can be explained by how two major trends have been playing out in the two countries: (1) the marketization of NOCs, and (2) the reform of the governance of overseas investments. The findings matter to theory and policy. First, they unpack the relational dynamics of business-government relations in hybrid models of capitalism beyond notions of top-down and bottom-up dynamics. Second, our analysis shows that the state intervenes in the international energy strategies of emerging economies as the occasional veto player rather than actively leveraging NOC internationalization for geopolitical goals.
La transition énergétique au défi des usages et de la participation : l’expérience des écoquartiers / Mathieu Saujot. Parie ; Iddri, novembre 2015, 20 p. (Working Papers N°10/2015) http://www.iddri.org/Publications/La-transition-energetique-au-defi-des-usages-et-de-la-participation-l-experience-des-ecoquartiers
L’analyse des expériences d’écoquartiers et de leur contribution à l’urbanisme durable montre l’importance d’une meilleure connexion entre des innovations techniques et une prise en compte des usages. Un modèle descendant, reposant sur la seule innovation technique et la pédagogie auprès d’habitants passifs, ne semble pas à la hauteur des ambitions de la durabilité urbaine. C’est bien une dynamique collective qui doit être visée, permettant de faire du quartier le lieu d’un changement choisi et accompagné. Cela nécessite de faire évoluer les modèles de conduite de projets vers davantage de coproduction et différents exemples nous en montrent les conditions et les caractéristiques.
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Danièle Revel (16 novembre 2015). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés – lundi 16 novembre 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oc20