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Energy transitions in the making

Energy transitions in the making. Sociotechnical collectives at work. International conference, Paris, 26-27 November  2015

Conférence organisée par Olivier Labussière (PACTE) et Alain Nadaï (CIRED)

The notion of « energy transition » has emerged during the past decade in order to point at processes or ambitions of decarbonising our energy path. Transition scenarios, quantitative visions and “technological potentials” have been produced in order to inform the steering of this transition. As witnessed by the raising number controversies about new energy technologies (NET), the overarching quantitative, economic and technological framing through which the energy transition is steered fails to point at a consensual transition path. The COLLENER conference aims at offering an occasion for confrontation, exchanges and scientific community building around social science analyses of critical dimensions of the ongoing energy transition. It stems from an eponymous interdisciplinary research project (economics, sociology, geography, urbanism, land planning) initiated in 2011, which allowed seven French research partners to follow, with the method of social sciences, ongoing processes of energy transitions on different scales (transnational, national, local), about different technologies (solar, wind, smart grids, biomass, low energy building, CCS) and in different countries (France, Germany, Tunisia)… lire la suite

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (19 novembre 2015). Energy transitions in the making. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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