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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (mercredi 9 décembre 2015)

Climate change mitigation technologies in Europe: evidence from patent and economic data / Ilja Rudyk, Gerard Owens, Alessia Volpe, Robert Ondhowe & Antoine Dechezleprêtre. EPO-UNEP, 2015, 65 p.

This EPO-UNEP study focuses on Europe, linking patent trends with relevant economic data on investment, trade and technology transfer in CCMTs. The report provides a clear and comprehensive picture of Europe’s contribution to CCMT development and dissemination.

Can a global climate risk pool help the most vulnerable countries? / Dirk Schoenmaker and Georg Zachmann. Brussels : Bruegel, 4/12/2015, 8 p.

Extreme climate events related to global warming will happen somewhat randomly and could have a huge cost for the most vulnerable countries. A global climate risk pool, with contributions from all countries, could help these vulnerable countries to recover from such events and might thus smooth the way towards a broader climate deal.

Harnessing Company Climate Action Beyond Paris / Philipp Pattberg and Oscar Widerberg. Swedish Think tank Fores & Dutch Institute for Environmental Studies, 2015, 109 p. (FORES Study 2015:6) Full reportExecutive summary

The inability of governments to steer the global community towards a safe de-carbonization pathway has left an ‘ambition gap’ between projected emissions levels and the goal of limiting global warming to 2° Celsius. Private sector initiatives have therefore come to be seen as a potential way to help bridge this gap. The report explores companies’ climate actions by surveying past studies and new data on 2,111 companies spread across 101 cooperative initiatives. Starting from the premise that non-state action should be additional to government action in order to close the ambition gap, it focuses on the discrepancies between potential and actual cooperative initiative participant performance. It concludes that company climate actions create a positive momentum for broader climate action. However, the authors also note the need for further transparency and initiative follow-up in order to augment the credibility of cooperative initiatives.

How can the new climate agreement support robust national mitigation targets? – Opportunities up to Paris and beyond / Hanna Fekete, Markus Hagemann, Wolfgang Obergassel,  Anke Herold, Anne Siemons. Umweltbundesamt, December 2015, 29 p.

This report is a synthesis of the research and re-evaluates the options previously considered in this project (Vieweg et al (2014)) in the light of the negotiation process up to today. The mitigation-related design elements considered are participation and differentiation of countries, guidance on ambition of the commitments to assure adequacy of global and individual coun-tries’ efforts and transparency of commitments.

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Danièle Revel (9 décembre 2015). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (mercredi 9 décembre 2015). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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