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Revue des blogs – lundi 7 décembre 2015

The central role of public policy in promoting sustainable development and managing climate change / , Planet Policy, 3/12/2015

Climate finance, economic growth, and infrastructure development have an intimately interconnected agenda. The climate talks in Paris at COP21 present a historic opportunity to enhance how they might work together to combat the harmful effects of climate change… lire

Argumentative Indians? Understanding India at the Paris COP21 / Teresa Ribera et Michel Colombier, Climate 365, 5/12/2015

India has been at the centre of attention in the opening days of COP21. Prime Minister Modi sent a flavour of his opening speech in an op-ed published by the Financial Times in the very morning of the first day of the Paris gathering… lire

Collaborative consumption: just a pipe dream? / Damien Demailly, Climate 365, 4/12/2015

Sharing your car through BlaBlaCar, or your flat through Airbnb… Participatory and collective uses are now very popular. But are they as beneficial as their founders would have us believe?… lire

Why performance-based regulation is important for the electric utility transformation / John P. Banks, Planet Policy, 3/12/2015

In a recent private roundtable on global electricity and technology held by the Energy Security and Climate Initiative, participants discussed the benefits and challenges of implementing performance-based utility regulation. This summary reflects some of the key points in the discussion… lire

People’s beliefs and motives influence the effectiveness of green policies / Céline Nauges, Sarah Ann Wheeler, TSE debate, 3/12/2015

Reducing carbon footprints will require fundamental changes in consumer, producer and government behaviour. Economists argue that consumers will adopt pro-environmental behaviour when doing so saves money, but they are less likely to undertake measures that are costly, do not satisfy their aims or require inconvenient lifestyle changes. But economic motives are only part of the story and psychological studies have shown there may be more complex mechanisms involved, sometimes with unexpected consequences… lire

The price of oil and the price of carbon / Rabah Arezki, Maurice Obstfeld, Vox, 3/12/2015

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Danièle Revel (7 décembre 2015). Revue des blogs – lundi 7 décembre 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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