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Revue des blogs – mardi 2 février 2016

Gas is too cheap / Maximilian Auffhammer, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 1/02/2016

Readers of this blog are likely aware that oil is really cheap right now. While in July 2008, the U.S. benchmark price peaked at just above $140 a barrel, its price dipped to below $27 in mid-January… lire

Can the WTO Take a Lesson from the Paris Climate Playbook? / Robert Stavins, An economic view of the environment, 31/01/2016

As readers will know from my previous entry at this blog (“Paris Agreement — A Good Foundation for Meaningful Progress”, December 12, 2015), I was busy with presentations and meetings during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP-21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris last December. However, I did have time to reflect on the process that was leading to the then-emerging Paris Agreement, including a series of discussions with my Harvard colleague – Professor Robert Lawrence, a leading international trade economist –who was back in Cambridge… lire

Building On Paris, Countries Assemble The Carbon Markets Of Tomorrow / Steve Zwic, Ecosystem Marketplace, 29/01/2016

Formal climate change negotiations don’t resume until May, but Germany, Japan, and New Zealand are quietly shepherding the world’s carbon markets towards compatibility with each other – and, they hope, with the UNFCCC. Here’s a look at what lies ahead for global carbon markets in 2016… lire

The Road From Paris: Green Lights, Speed Bumps, And The Future Of Carbon Markets / Steve Zwic, Ecosystem Marketplace, 1/02/2016

Climate negotiators green-lighted the development of international carbon markets under the Paris Agreement, but most credits will probably be used in the countries of origin. Here’s a look at the accounting challenges ahead, and the implications for supply and demand… lire

The Paris Agreement: An Equity Perspective / Annalisa Savaresi, Benelex project blog, 29/01/2016

The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted a new climate treaty, the Paris Agreement. The Agreement makes unprecedented references to climate justice, human rights and the role of non-state actors in addressing climate change. This post reflects on these references, providing an early assessment of where the Paris Agreement leaves States in their efforts to tackle climate change in the light of equity, as well as linkages with BENELEX research on fair and equitable benefit-sharing… lire

Judging the Paris Agreement: A comparison with IDDRI’s 10 criteria for success, Climate 365, 29/01/2016

The Paris Agreement adopted by 195 countries on December 12, 2015 has been rightly praised as an undeniable historic landmark in international efforts to address climate change. Indeed, it sets an ambitious target to combat climate change, and establishes a universal, fair, and durable framework for effective global cooperative action on this topic. Governments, civil society, and companies must now seize this framework to maintain the political momentum on climate action and operationalize the principles of action… lire

IDDRI influential in shaping key elements of the Paris Agreement, Climate 365, 29/01/2016


The Paris Agreement adopted on December 12, 2015 establishes a framework for international cooperation on climate action. While the Agreement’s ultimate test of success will be its implementation and strengthening, it has been rightly praised as an undeniable historic landmark in international efforts to address climate change… lire

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Danièle Revel (2 février 2016). Revue des blogs – mardi 2 février 2016. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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