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Revue des blogs – mardi 9 février 2016

Le gaz (de schiste) américain, nouveau prix directeur des énergies ? / Patrick Criqui, the Conversation, 8/02/2016

La baisse des prix du pétrole, de 100 $/bl à l’été 2014 à moins de 30 $ aujourd’hui, entraîne-t-elle celle des autres énergies fossiles, charbon et gaz naturel ? Cela n’a rien d’évident car, si toutes les énergies ont beaucoup baissé depuis les sommets de 2008, il apparaît cette fois que la baisse des prix du pétrole a plutôt suivi celle du gaz américain et du charbon et non l’inverse… lire

Is “Community Choice” Electric Supply a Solution or a Problem? / Severin Borenstein, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 8/02/2016

Big news! If you live in California, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, or a few other states you may soon have the opportunity to ditch your local investor-owned utility and buy your electricity from a competing retailer.  And in a few locations in those states, you recently got that option. Wait. Is that really new? “Retail choice” for electricity has existed in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut and a number of other states (as well as England, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries) for more than a decade… lire

Expecting the unexpected: Why the oil price keeps surprising us / Christiane Baumeister and Lutz Kilian, Vox, 8/02/2016

Expectations play a key role in assessing how oil price fluctuations affect the economy. This column explores how consumers, policymakers, financial market participants, and economists form expectations about the price of crude oil, the differences in these expectations, and why future realisations of the price of oil so often differ substantially from these expectations. Differences in oil price expectations are shown to matter for quantifying oil price shocks and their transmission… lire

Can the WTO Take a Lesson from the Paris Climate Playbook? / Robert Stavins, the Energy Collective, 7/02/2016

As readers will know from my previous entry at this blog (“Paris Agreement — A Good Foundation for Meaningful Progress”, December 12, 2015), I was busy with presentations and meetings during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP-21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris last December. However, I did have time to reflect on the process that was leading to the then-emerging Paris Agreement, including a series of discussions with my Harvard colleague – Professor Robert Lawrence, a leading international trade economist –who was back in Cambridge… lire

Climate, water and agriculture: from impacts to good practices / Carlo Carraro’s blog, 7/02/2016

Agriculture, food and water are key words when it comes to identifying the main short term impacts of climate change. Above all, these words are crucial when designing adequate adaptation measures and, in part, even for mitigation… lire

Tapped Out: Azerbaijan Must Diversify Its Economy Away From Oil / Simeon Djankov, RealTime Economic Issues Watch, Peterson Institute, 5/02/2016

Azerbaijan’s economy is reeling, after years of extraordinary growth fueled by oil revenues. The latest World Bank figures suggest the economy is going to contract in 2016, and the budget deficit may reach over 5 percent of GDP. The way out is diversification of exports… lire

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Danièle Revel (9 février 2016). Revue des blogs – mardi 9 février 2016. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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