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Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (7/03/2016)

Electrifier durablement l’Afrique et l’Asie / Gabrielle Desarnaud. Paris : Ifri, mars 2016, 32 p. (Note de l’Ifri)

En 2015, 1,2 milliard de personnes n’avaient toujours pas accès à l’électricité, et l’extension du réseau électrique ne remplit pas toujours son office. Pourtant des solutions complémentaires laissent aujourd’hui espérer des progrès considérables en adéquation avec les enjeux économiques et environnementaux actuels. A condition cependant, de créer les conditions de leur développement…

Eleven Principles for a Consensus on Coal: Concept for a stepwise decarbonisation of the German power sector (Short Version). Berlin : Agora Energiewende, Jan. 2016, 60 p.

–> A propos de cette étude : entretien avec Dimitri Pescia, senior associate chez Agora, sur le blog de Thibault Laconde Energie et développement, 7/03/2016

Since the historical climate agreement in Paris, the following is now abundantly clear: Decarbonisation is the key issue that will define the debate over the future of the world’s energy systems. While Germany has traditionally had a large coal industry, it is also a pioneer in the adoption of renewable energy – accordingly, we can no longer avoid debate on the future of coal. The greenhouse reduction targets that have been set for 2030, 2040 and 2050 inevitably mean that coal must be phased out. Due to the long time frames of investment decisions in the energy sector, industry actors need legal certainty moving forward. Providing such certainty is possible, as Germany was recently able to resolve two major points of dispute in its energy policy – namely, the decision to phase out nuclear power, and the decision to stop mining hard coal. The time is ripe for reaching a consensus on the future of coal, rather than allow a fundamental conflict in energy policy to become entrenched for decades. A large number of experts share the view that the time for action is now – not only commentators (among others Süddeutsche Zeitung, Rheinische Post, Handelsblatt, Spiegel), but also by the German Advisory Council on the Environment and The German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW), which has called for a structured dialog process on the future role of coal.

Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards / Carolyn Fischer, Mads Greaker, and Knut Einar Rosendahl. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business, 2016, 37 p. (Working Papers No. 1 / 2016)

In many regions, renewable energy targets are a primary decarbonization policy. Most of the same jurisdictions also subsidize the manufacturing and/or deployment of renewable energy technologies, some being suffciently aggressive as to engender WTO disputes. We consider a downstream energy-using product produced competitively but not traded across regions, such as electricity or transportation. A renewable energy technology is available, provided by a limited set of upstream suppliers who exercise market power. With multiple market failures (emissions externality and imperfect competition), renewable market share targets as the binding climate policy, and international trade in equipment, the stage is set to examine rationales for green industrial policy. Subsidies may be provided downstream to energy suppliers and/or upstream to technology suppliers; each has tradeoffs. Subsidies can o¤set underprovision upstream, but they allow dirty generation to expand when the portfolio standard becomes less binding. Downstream subsidies raise all upstream pro…ts and crowd out foreign emissions. Upstream subsidies increase domestic upstream market share but expand emissions globally. In our two-region model, strategic subsidies chosen noncooperatively can be optimal from a global perspective, if both regions value emissions at the global cost of carbon. But if the regions su¢ ciently undervalue global emissions, restricting the use of upstream subsidies can enhance welfare.

De la biomasse à la bioéconomie : une stratégie pour la France / Roland Courteau et Bruno Sido. Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques, février 2016, 194 p. (Rapport n° 380)

Le développement des usages de la biomasse-énergie, dans le contexte de la loi sur la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte.

Modèles macroéconomiques et transition énergétique / Pierre Douillard, Anne Épaulard et Boris Le Hir. France Stratégie, février 2016, 8 p (note d’analyse ; n° 43)

Cette note d’analyse met en évidence l’intérêt de l’utilisation des modèles macroéconomiques pour étudier l’impact de la transition énergétique et la nature des résultats que ces modèles peuvent fournir.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (7 mars 2016). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (7/03/2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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