EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance
EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses / Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Ed.). Palgrave/MacMillan, 2016, 229 p. – $ 105.00
This edited collection focuses on the impact of the changing global distribution of power on the EU’s energy policy and ability to project its approach to energy-related issues abroad. It maps the EU’s changing position on global energy, the impact of various factors on its energy policy, and its relations with Russia, China, the USA and Brazil.
Contents :
- Defining and Projecting EU Energy Policy / Kuzemko, Caroline (et al.)
- The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance / Andersen, Svein S. (et al.)
- The Foreign Dimension of EU Energy Policy: The Case of the Southern Gas Corridor / Verda, Matteo
- Russia-EU Energy Relations: From Complementarity to Distrust? / Godzimirski, Jakub M
- Energy Security in EU-China Relations: Framing Further Efforts of Collaboration / Daojiong, Zha
- Energy and the Regional Players: The Odd Rivalry between the EU and China in Africa / Novati, Gian Paolo Calchi (et al.)
- The US-EU Energy Relationship / Conley, Heather (et al.)
- Brazil — A New Global Energy Player and Partner for the EU? / Todd, John (et al.)
- Conclusion: The EU, Energy, and Global Power Shifts / Godzimirski, Jakub M. (et al.)
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Danièle Revel (30 mars 2016). EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse