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Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Electrical Power Planning, Analysis, and Optimization

Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Electrical Power Planning, Analysis, and Optimization / Smita Shandilya, Shishir Shandilya, Tripta Thakur and Atulya K. Nagar. IGI, Feb. 2016, 410 p.

As the demand for efficient energy sources continues to grow around the globe, electrical systems are becoming more essential in an effort to meet these increased needs. As these systems are being utilized more frequently, it becomes imperative to find ways of optimizing their overall function.

The Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Electrical Power Planning, Analysis, and Optimization features emergent methods and research in the systemic and strategic planning of energy usage. Highlighting theoretical perspectives and empirical research, this handbook is a comprehensive reference source for researchers, practitioners, students, and professionals interested in the current advancements and efficient use in power systems.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (21 mars 2016). Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Electrical Power Planning, Analysis, and Optimization. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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