Revue des blogs – mercredi 20 avril 2016
Changements climatiques : s’adapter ! / Michel Damian, Professeur émérite, Université Grenoble Alpes, the Conversation, 20/04/2016
L’accord de Paris sur les changements climatiques sera officiellement ouvert à la signature ce vendredi 22 avril au siège de l’ONU à New York. Pour entrer en vigueur en 2020, le texte devra être ratifié, accepté ou approuvé d’ici au 17 avril 2017 par 55 pays représentant au moins 55 % des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre… lire
Of flows and stocks / Claude Crampes and Thomas-Olivier Léautier, TSE debate, 19/04/2016
Because it produces a non-storable commodity, the electric power industry has had to make enormous investments in reliable production and transport capacity in order to grow. Current environmental policies, which prioritise intermittent renewable resources, are inverting this logic: instead of the non-storable nature of the product determining the technologies used, the technologies are forcing producers to make it storable… lire
Cartels Work Unless They Don’t / Maximilian Auffhammer, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 18/04/2016
I spend a lot of time describing unicorns in my undergraduate classroom. And by unicorns, I mean perfectly competitive markets and their features. If you’re a little rusty on this stuff, it goes like this: no single consumer or firm can affect the market price. This requires perfect information, no externalities, free entry and exit, blah, blah, blah… lire
Pan sur le bec ! / Cédric Philibert, Energies et changements climatiques, 15/04/2016
Une éolienne sur deux en France ne serait pas raccordée au réseau? Nos amis du Canard se sont grave emmêlé les pinceaux !… lire
Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels / Payal Parekh is Program Director at, Project Syndicate, 18/04/2016
There has never been a better time to break free from fossil fuels. Record-breaking global temperatures, plummeting fossil-fuel prices, historic investments in renewable energy, and global pressure to honor climate pledges are all coming together to create the ideal setting for this world-changing shift… lire
Liberal Bias and Climate Science / Michael Levi, Energy, Security and Climate, 19/04/2016
Eduardo Porter has a column in the New York Times today arguing that “Liberal Biases, Too, May Block Progress on Climate Change”. (Yes, that’s a headline that he didn’t write, but it’s a good summary of the column’s message.) I’m on board with that bottom line. But his central example of liberal hostility to the “the scientific consensus” unintentionally highlights a different problem: conflation of science with values and judgment… lire
What Would Brexit Mean for UK Energy Efficiency Policy? / Jan Rosenow, Sussex Energy Group, Energy Collective, 13/04/2016
Only 10 weeks and UK voters will make the most profound decision of this decade – will Britain stay or leave the European Union? There have been numerous analyses of what the implications of a so-called Brexit might be. Those include the economic impacts, security, and sovereignty… lire
Do we need BECCS to avoid dangerous climate change?, Carbon Brief, 14/04/2016
Prof Jason Lowe is Head of Knowledge Integration and Mitigation Advice at the UK’s Met Office and lead scientist for the government-funded AVOID2 research programme, which provided impartial advice on the feasibility of pathways designed to avoid “dangerous” climate change… lire
China’s dams bring a flood of questions / Nimmi Kurian, CPR, EastAsia Forum, 14/04/2016
China’s largest hydroelectric dam on the Brahmaputra River (known as Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet) recently became fully operational. The $1.5 billion 510 megawatt Zangmu hydroelectric dam has brought in its wake a flood of concerns, especially in India, regarding its downstream impact… lire
Unsustainable Development Goals? / Ngaire Woods, Director of the Global Economic Governance Program at the University of Oxford, Project Syndicate, 14/04/2016
From 2000 to 2015, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) focused minds and budgets on global poverty, significantly boosting people’s prospects in some of the world’s poorest countries. The new set of global targets, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aim to build on that progress, not only in eradicating poverty, but also in addressing a number of other challenges, such as broadening access to education and protecting the environment. But, this time, there are significant headwinds… lire
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