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Revue des blogs – 28 avril 2016

New Politics for Clean Energy /Jeffrey D. Sachs, Project Syndicate, 27/04/2016

The diplomats have done their job, concluding the Paris climate agreement in December. And political leaders gathered last week at the United Nations to sign the new accord. But implementation is surely the tough part. Governments need a new approach to an issue that is highly complex, long term, and global in scale…

Qui sont les champions du nucléaire civil en 2016 ? / Marie Dégremont, Chercheur en sciences politiques au Centre de sociologie des organisations, Sciences Po – USPC, the Conversation, 26/04/2016

Trente ans après l’accident de Tchernobyl, cinq ans après le tsunami et l’accident nucléaire de Fukushima, le débat sur le recours au nucléaire civil reste vif. Si les opinions publiques allemande, italienne et suisse ont poussé leur gouvernement à fermer les centrales présentes sur leur territoire, il n’en est pas de même dans la plupart des autres pays producteurs… lire

Réacteurs en activité, à venir, filières, producteurs… le nucléaire en graphique, the Conversation, 26/04/2016

Is Distributed Generation the Answer to Regulatory Dysfunction? / Severin Borenstein, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 25/04/2016

One delightful aspect of teaching an MBA course in energy and environmental markets is getting together with my former students as they pursue careers in the industries I study.  I learn so much about the latest trends and ideas in these markets, and they frequently challenge the way I have been seeing the world… lire

Fossil Fuel Companies Need to Become Renewable Energy Companies / Steven Cohen, Earth Institute, the Energy Collective, 19/04/2016

It seems clear that Exxon Mobil and other parts of the fossil fuel industry have tried to suppress the science of climate change. I am not surprised that these companies acted in their short-term self-interest, and I expect them to continue to advance those interests. Their deception is disappointing and may even be illegal, but blaming the fossil fuel companies for our addiction to fossil fuels is foolish… lire

The Climate Crisis and the Transition to a Renewable Economy / Steven Cohen, Earth Institute, the Energy Collective, 26/04/2016

The difficult process of transitioning to a renewable resource-based economy requires us to ask: how does political, economic and social change happen? To answer that question it’s helpful to look at the changes we have seen over the past century and also ask: how did they happen?… lire

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Danièle Revel (28 avril 2016). Revue des blogs – 28 avril 2016. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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