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What Hu Jintao’s Washington Visit Can Do For Climate Change

What Hu Jintao’s Washington Visit Can Do For Climate Change / Daniel Firger

Climate Law Blog, 14/01/2011

It’s not yet February and the biggest climate change story of the year may already be written. The story is simple enough–as the U.S. drags its heels on clean energy, China marches ahead.
China’s leaders may be concerned less by global warming itself than by the economic consequences of suffocating air pollution in its major cities, but they are nonetheless launching dozens of new clean energy projects this year in the electricity generation, transportation, and manufacturing sectors. The country’s twelfth Five Year Plan, to be formally adopted in March, sets out ambitious benchmarks for increasing renewable energy and efficiency while reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the mass deployment of wind turbines, solar panels and other green technologies. Responding to these signals, Chinese and foreign companies alike are rushing to stake their claims in what a recent report by Ernst & Young called the world’s most attractive market for renewable energy…

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Danièle Revel (17 janvier 2011). What Hu Jintao’s Washington Visit Can Do For Climate Change. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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