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Revue des blogs (22/06/2016)

Beyond CO2: China Can Curb Its Other Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Nearly 30 % by 2030 / Katherine Ross, Ranping Song and Jingjing Zhu, World Resources Institute’s blog, 20/06/2016

As the largest greenhouse gas emitting nation, China clearly needs to show strong leadership to avoid the worst global impacts of climate change. In recent years, China has taken positive steps to reduce its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions… lire

Coal After the Paris Agreement: The Challenges of Dirty Fuel / Tim Boersma and Stacy D. VanDeveer, Foreign Affairs, snapshot, 6/06/2016

On December 12, 2015, 195 countries adopted the Paris Agreement, the most ambitious climate change pact to date. The document lays out a plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions, among other climate-related initiatives. Participating countries must now find ways to translate those ambitions into policy, and answer important questions about financing, transparency and accountability, national implementation, and accelerated emissions reduction goals, to name but a few. But one issue looms large: coal… lire

L’urgence à s’adapter redessine la lutte contre le changement climatique / Alexandre K. Magnan, Iddri, the Conversation, 21/06/2016

La signature de l’Accord de Paris en décembre 2015 a marqué une étape importante en matière de coopération internationale. Succès diplomatique, puisque signé par quasiment tous les pays de la planète, il est le résultat d’une volonté commune – qui s’est construite petit à petit depuis l’Accord de Kyoto en 1995 – d’aller dans le même sens : celui de la « décarbonation » de nos économies et de nos modes de vie pour un futur soutenable… lire

Time to Unleash the Carbon Market? / Meredith Fowlie, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 20/06/2016

What’s a ton of carbon (dioxide equivalent) worth? Not much if you ask the world’s carbon markets. The graph below summarizes prices and quantities covered by existing carbon emissions trading programs (green) and carbon taxes (blue).  Nearly all carbon market prices are below $13/ton… lire

Unconventional Options for Enhancing the Predictability of Multilateral Climate Finance / Benito Müller with Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Oxford Climate Policy blog, 20/06/2016

Part I of this blog[1] was about the idea of joint replenishments for all entities intended to serve the financial mechanism of the Paris Agreement. The idea was tabled by the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the final days of Paris, as a significant institutional finance outcome; however, in the end it did not make it into the Agreement. Replenishments are one, if not the only way in which (national) governments have traditionally been able to bind themselves to provide resources more predictably over a number of domestic budget cycles… lire

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Danièle Revel (22 juin 2016). Revue des blogs (22/06/2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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