Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Global Electricity Technology Deployment
Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Global Electricity Technology Deployment : Recommendations from the Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership Survey. Montreal : e8 ; UN-Energy, 2011, 56 p.
The e8, a body composed of the leading electricity companies, and UN-Energy launched the global initiative for strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to advance sustainable energy development. The focus of the initiative is to jointly identify effective and meaningful partnerships that support and promote the global deployment of low and zero-emitting electricity technologies at country, regional and global levels. The e8 and its partners have conducted a global survey and analyzed many submitted case studies highlighting the enabling policies and best practices of public-private partnerships. The report of these results is an important element of the initiative and it aims at supporting countries in making significant progress towards global electricity access by 2030.
At a Global Summit entitled “Global Summit to Strengthen Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Global Electricity Technology Deployment” on 2 June 2011 in New York, top leaders in the public and private sectors and civil society discussed the issues related to the role of public-private partnerships best practices to effectively establish energy policies; the importance of long term stable policy frameworks to meet goals; and the integration of partnerships into electricity and energy services development plans.
The e8, UN-Energy and its partners believe that increased energy access through technology deployment plans with enabling public policies, and an attractive financial risk-reward atmosphere created by public-private partnerships, will enable countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. (source : UN-Energy newsletter, n° 1)
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Danièle Revel (23 juin 2011). Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Global Electricity Technology Deployment. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse