Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (15/09/2016)
Investing in Photovoltaics: Timing, Plant Sizing and Smart Grids Flexibility / Marina Bertolini, Chiara D’Alpaos, Michele Moretto. Milan : Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Aug. 2016, 30 p. (Nota di lavoro ; 2016.060) http://www.feem.it/userfiles/attach/201692105774NDL2016-060.pdf
In Italy and in many EU countries, the last decade was characterized by a large development of distributed generation power plants. Their presence determined new critical issues for the design and management of the overall energy system and the electric grid due to the presence of discontinuous production sources. It is commonly agreed that contingent problems that affect local grids (e.g. inefficiency, congestion rents, power outages, etc.) may be solved by the implementation of a “smarter” electric grid. The main feature of smarts grid is the great increase in production and consumption flexibility. Smart grids give producers and consumers, the opportunity to be active in the market and strategically decide their optimal production/consumption scheme. The paper provides a theoretical framework to model the prosumer’s decision to invest in a photovoltaic power plant, assuming it is integrated in a smart grid. To capture the value of managerial flexibility, a real option approach is implemented. We calibrate and test the model by using data from the Italian energy market.
L’interaction des énergies nucléaire et renouvelables : effets systémiques dans les réseaux électriques bas carbone / Jan Horst Keppler et Marco Cometto. Chaire European Electricity Markets, Paris Dauphine, 29/08/2016, 10 p. http://www.ceem-dauphine.org/working/fr/LINTRACTION-DES-NERGIES-NUCLAIRE-ET-RENOUVELABLES-EFFETS-SYSTMIQUES-DANS-LES-RSEAUX-LECTRIQUES-BAS-CARBONE
Cet article présente une synthèse des résultats de l’étude « Énergies nucléaire et renouvelables : effets systémiques dans les réseaux électriques bas carbone », récemment publiée par l’Agence pour l’Énergie Nucléaire de l’OCDE. Cette étude analyse les interactions entre les technologies programmables et les énergies renouvelables variables (principalement l’éolien et le solaire), présente les principaux effets de telles interactions sur le système électrique et apporte des estimations empiriques systématiques des coûts associés pour six pays membres de l’OCDE.
Tight Oil Development Economics: Benchmarks, Breakeven Points, and Inelasticities / Robert L. Kleinberg, Sergey Paltsev, Charles K. Ebinger, David Hobbs, and Tim Boersma. MIT CEEPR, August 2016, 23 p. (WP 2016-012) http://ceepr.mit.edu/files/papers/2016-012.pdf
When comparing oil and gas projects – their relative attractiveness, robustness, and contribution to markets – various dollar per barrel benchmarks are quoted in the literature and in public debates. Among these benchmarks are a variety of breakeven points (also called breakeven costs or breakeven prices), which are widely used, and widely misunderstood. Misunderstandings have three origins: (1) There is no broadly accepted agreement on definitions; (2) for any given resource there is no universally applicable benchmark; (3) various breakeven points and other benchmarks are applicable at various times in the development of a resource. In this paper we clarify the purposes of several benchmarks and propose standardized definitions of them. We show how and why breakeven points are partitioned, and when each of the partitioned elements is appropriate to consider. We discuss in general terms the geological, geographical, and temporal factors that affect the benchmarks. We describe some other factors that contribute to the inelasticity of tight oil production. Finally, we explore macroeconomic and policy implications of a broader, more rigorous, and more consistent application of the breakeven point concept, and the understanding of the inelasticities that accompany it.
Quel futur pour l’énergie solaire ?, CNRS le journal, 14/09/2016 https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/quel-futur-pour-lenergie-solaire
Entre espoirs, déceptions et avancées spectaculaires, la recherche autour de l’énergie solaire photovoltaïque avance à grands pas. Tour d’horizon des tendances les plus prometteuses avec Daniel Lincot et Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, directeurs de recherche au CNRS et spécialistes du photovoltaïque…
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Danièle Revel (15 septembre 2016). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (15/09/2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/occu