European Energy Law and Policy : An Introduction
European Energy Law and Policy : An Introduction / Heiko Krüger, Attorney-At-Law. Edward Elgar, Sept. 2016 (à paraître)
EU energy law and policy have become more and more complex in recent years. Today these areas feature a multitude of layers concerning not only regulation of the power industry, but also security of energy supply, climate change, consumer needs and technical innovation. This textbook serves as an introduction to this distinctive field. For readers without much experience with the EU, the author provides a separate chapter which outlines the institutional structure and functioning of the European Union in the field of energy policy. Tables of key court decisions and key legislation, review questions and further reading lists ultimately help to give readers a lasting impression of one of the most vibrant fields of EU law and policy.
Contents :
1. Structure and Functioning of the European Union and Euratom
2. Treaty Rules Promoting the Internal Energy Market
3. Objectives and Strategies of European Energy Policy and Law
4. Sector-specific Legislation
5. Cross-sector Legislation
6. External Action Bibliography Index
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Danièle Revel (16 septembre 2016). European Energy Law and Policy : An Introduction. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse