Revue des blogs – mercredi 22 septembre 2016
China’s G20 Emergence(y)? / Thomas Spencer, blog Iddri, 13/09/2016
The sustainable development agenda for the next decade and a half has been clearly outlined by the Paris Agreement and the SDGs: a transformation towards more sustainable and fairer economies. The Chinese G20 Presidency has helped to put sustainable development more firmly at the top of global governance but the route towards more concrete action remains to be defined. The G20 represents 82% of global GDP and a huge share of global emissions. The G20 must make a more concrete contribution to sustainable development in the future… lire
A Right to Fossil Fuels? Pressure Mounts for Developing Countries to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground, Climate law blog, 20/09/2016
Last week saw the opening of the 71st session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. In his inaugural address, incoming General Assembly President Peter Thompson declared that the session would focus on advancing the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in September 2015… lire
A Key Moment for California Climate Policy / Robert Stavins, An economic view of the environment, 20/09/2016
The past year has been a crucial time in international climate negotiations. In December, 2015, in Paris, negotiators established an agreement on the next round of targets and actions to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which was signed in 1997 and will effectively close down in 2020… lire
I’m Not Really Down with Most Top Down Evaluations / Maximilian Auffhammer, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 19/09/2016
Lunches at Berkeley are never boring. This week I had an engaging discussion with a colleague from out of town who asked me what I thought about statistical top down approaches to evaluating energy efficiency programs. In my excitement, I almost forgot about my local organic Persian chicken skewer… lire
Par quoi passe l’efficacité énergétique ? / Guillaume Guérard, the Conversation, 19/09/2016
D’ici à 2050, la demande énergétique mondiale devrait doubler. Les réseaux et la production actuelle ne pourront pas supporter cette charge sans un profond changement dans notre façon de consommer, qui passe notamment par une efficacité énergétique accrue… lire
Pour ne plus avoir à choisir entre la bourse et la vie ! Financer la transition énergétique / Alain Grandjean, Chroniques de l’anthropocène, 18/09/2016
Notre livre « Financer la transition énergétique », sort le 22 Septembre en librairie. Nous partageons ici avec vous les raisons qui nous ont poussés à l’écrire maintenant, et ce que nous voudrions apporter de neuf au débat… lire
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Danièle Revel (21 septembre 2016). Revue des blogs – mercredi 22 septembre 2016. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse