Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (29/09/2016)
La transition énergétique en Méditerranée. Contributions à un objet de recherche en construction. Rives méditerranéennes, n° 51, 2016 http://rives.revues.org/4903
Sommaire :
- Avant-Propos / Bernadette Merenne-Schoumaker
- Introduction. La transition énergétique en Méditerranée : entre théories et expériences / Nadia Benalouache et Kévin Duruisseau
- La transition énergétique en Méditerranée : enjeux et perspectives : une approche macro-régionale / Thiziri Hammiche
La transition énergétique : logiques et échelle(s) d’action
- Le développement des parcs solaires en région PACA : L’invention locale d’une action publique territorialisée ? / Vincent Baggioni
- Les territoires méditerranéens pris dans la transition énergétique. Quel droit est-il applicable aux centrales électriques à biomasse en Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur (PACA) ? / Cécile Bernard
- Vers une transition énergétique citoyenne : La réappropriation des questions environnementales par les acteurs ordinaires / Frédéric Bally
Les acteurs économiques de la transition énergétique
- Le déploiement des technologies solaires sur le marché maghrébin. Essai d’une géographie des acteurs industriels des filières photovoltaïque (PV) et thermodynamique (CSP) / Nadia Benalouache
- Le rôle des opérateurs historiques et émergents dans le développement des centrales photovoltaïques au sol dans les territoires méditerranéens français : Patrimoines énergétiques : héritages et mutations / Kévin Duruisseau
- Construire une histoire de l’énergie solaire : L’exemple d’une initiative originale d’une recherche solaire méditerranéenne / Sophie Pehlivanian
- Nouvelles énergies, nouveaux paysages. L’essor éolien et photovoltaïque en Espagne / Daniel Herrero Luque
Electric vehicles in Europe. European Environment Agency, September 2016, 39 p. (EEA Report n° 20/2016) http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/electric-vehicles-in-europe/at_download/file
This report provides a non-technical summary of the latest information on electric road vehicles in Europe, including those with hybrid technologies. It focuses upon electric passenger vehicles, explaining the different types that are now available on the market, how each type works, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
European gas grid through the eye of the TIGER: investigating bottlenecks in pipeline flows by modelling history / Beatrice Petrovich, Howard Rogers, Harald Hecking & Florian Weiser. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, September 2016, 32 p. (OIES paper ; NG 112) https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/european-gas-grid-eye-tiger-investigating-bottlenecks-pipeline-flows-modelling-history/
This paper brings together findings from previous OIES research on European gas hub price correlation by Beatrice Petrovich with demonstrated capability in European gas transmission system modelling by Harald Heckling and Florian Weiser at EWI Energy Research and Scenarios at the EWI Institute in Cologne.
The paper compares the evidence for periodic bottlenecks in Europe’s gas transmission systems, indicated by price correlation de-linkage – and supporting evidence of apparent physical or contractual flow constraints – with the results obtained by ‘re-running history’ using the EWI TIGER model. The modelled view of history presumes ‘perfect market’ behaviour in respect of agents making the best use of infrastructure (‘lowest cost’ objective function) to move gas from A to B given data on tariff costs.
A ‘tidy’ confirmation that modelled and actual flows were broadly in line would have been welcomed by those regulatory bodies tasked with achieving the Gas Target Model. The findings of this paper suggest that much more work is necessary to ensure that: critical route capacities are increased, capacities each side of specific interconnector points are better harmonised and that capacity held under long term contracts is made available on a shorter time horizon. The forensic investigation contained in this paper is to be highly commended and is an excellent starting point for regulatory bodies.
Vers des villes 100 % énergies renouvelables et maîtrisant leur consommation : pistes de réflexion et d’action. CLER, Energy Cities et Réseau Action Climat, 2016, 28 p. http://www.energy-cities.eu/IMG/pdf/publi_100pourcent_final-web.pdf
Cette publication a pour objectif d’apporter des pistes d’orientations et de solutions pour les villes et métropoles françaises désireuses d’avancer dans une démarche vers le 100% énergies renouvelables. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur les connaissances et expériences acquises dans nos réseaux, mais aussi sur près de 30 entretiens avec des élus et agents d’une quinzaine de collectivités en France.
LNG Markets: the great reconfiguration, Oxford Energy Forum, n° 106, Aug. 2016 https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/oxford-energy-forum-issue-106/
The LNG market has seen dramatic shifts in its underlying fundamentals since the mid 2000s. The roller-coaster of pricing, the rise of LNG spot and short term trading and the emergence of the US as a source of ‘destination flexible’ supply are just some of the many dimensions of the industry which appear in a state of flux, not least due to the imminent arrival of new substantial supply from projects in Australia and the US. In September 2016 OIES and KAPSARC published ‘LNG Markets in Transition – The Great Reconfiguration’. This Issue of the Oxford Energy Forum comprises articles from several of the book chapter authors and the editor who provide summaries of their key findings.
In summing up, Anne-Sophie Corbeau, the book’s editor, argues that the LNG world is undergoing a `great reconfiguration’, in terms of volume expansion and changes in commercial models including the dominance of long term contracts. She suggests that aside from partial extensions of existing contracts, as LNG markets move towards greater commoditisation, there will be no turning back to the traditional long term contract model. Whether new projects proceed without traditional long-term contracts will depend on lenders accepting that short term LNG trade will become the norm, with reliable spot price benchmarks and lower LNG costs supporting project economics. This should enhance the role of LNG in the development of flexible international gas trade, and hence make a major contribution to the increasing globalisation of the gas business.
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Danièle Revel (29 septembre 2016). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (29/09/2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ocdf