European added value to member states’ first steps on the path towards 2050
European added value to member states’ first steps on the path towards 2050 / Leonardo Meeus, Florence School of Regulation, EU energy policy blog, 26/06/2011
Several EU member states are already taking their first steps on the path towards 2050. The Danish, German, and Irish governments have explored the policy options but the resulting strategies have not yet been legislated. In Finland, France, and the UK, a legal commitment has already been reached. The UK is the only member state that has reached the implementation stage of its legally binding 2050 strategy. These emerging 2050 low carbon energy strategies bring new risks of policy fragmentation, but also open new opportunities for cooperation among member states and European added value…
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Danièle Revel (27 juin 2011). European added value to member states’ first steps on the path towards 2050. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse