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Revue des blogs – mardi 4 octobre 2016

From here to where? Life after entry into force of the Paris Agreement / Thomas Spencer, blog Iddri, 4/10/2016

Rapid ratification and entry into force of the Paris Agreement makes a positive signal towards climate action. However, the agreement rests upon a tenuous legal framework which cannot be taken for granted, but has instead to be the foundation of a dynamic collective learning process and virtuous cycle of action… lire

Governments need a revenue system compatible with a low-carbon future / Adele Morris, Planet Policy, 3/10/2016

The coming presidential election will perhaps be more pivotal for climate-change policy than any other policy arena. The next administration will decide how and whether to defend new Clean Air Act regulations in court (and whom to appoint to the courts), whether to promulgate new climate regulations, the direction of United States’ international climate commitments, and funding priorities for clean-energy technologies… lire

7 questions – and answers – on the global oil market / Rabah Arezki, World Economic Forum, 19/08/2016

Oil prices have decreased by about 65% since their recent peak in June 2014. This dramatic and largely unexpected (Baumeister and Kilian 2016) collapse in prices has sparked intense debate over the causes and consequences. Arguably, the dynamic adjustment has changed the oil market structurally, leaving it quite different from the past. In addition, the manner in which falling oil prices affect the global economy has changed in important ways… lire

Trash those incandescent bulbs today! / Severin Borenstein, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 3/10/2016

When it comes to lighting, I’m no early adopter.  For the last 20 years, I’ve annoyed my energy efficiency friends by arguing that those curlicue compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) were overhyped. The light quality is still inferior; they still warm to full brightness too slowly; and the claims of 10-year life are vastly overstated… lire

La croissance du commerce mondial en deçà des attentes de l’OMC. Comme prévu ! / Sébastien Jean, blog du CEPII, 29/09/2016

Une fois encore, les échanges mondiaux de marchandises ont crû moins vite que ne l’avait pronostiqué l’OMC. Et même le niveau qu’elle prévoit désormais pour 2016 pourrait bien être encore surestimé… lire

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Danièle Revel (4 octobre 2016). Revue des blogs – mardi 4 octobre 2016. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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