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Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (26/10/2016)

Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2016. IEA/OECD, Oct. 2016, 282 p. et

The rapid spread of renewable energy is a bright spot in the global energy transition towards a low carbon economy. Despite lower fossil fuel prices, renewable power expanded at its fastest-ever rate in 2015, thanks to supportive government policies and sharp cost reductions. Renewables accounted for more than half of the world’s additional electricity capacity last year. Yet, even with this remarkable progress, there are questions about whether renewables are on track to reach targets set by the Paris Agreement.

This report examines these questions in detail, looking closely at how renewable energy in the power, heat and transportation sectors will evolve over the next five years in the face of lower fossil fuel prices. It explores recent renewable deployment and policy trends across different regions and countries, particularly as costs for wind and solar PV continue to fall.

The Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2016 also assesses the potential impact of enhanced policy action for the electricity sector under its “accelerated case”, which would position the world firmly on a path to a more sustainable and secure energy system.

Renewable Energy in Cities. Irena, Oct. 2016, 64 p.

The transition to renewables cuts across the entire urban energy landscape, from buildings to transport, to industry and power. Renewables can bring tremendous benefits to cities, including cleaner air, modern services and improved living spaces. At the same time, cities are crucial to the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy, accounting for 65% of global energy use and 70% of man-made carbon emissions.
Renewable Energy in Cities explores potential for urban communities to scale-up renewables by 2030, based on estimated energy use 3,649 cities around the world. It finds that every city has massive potential to cost-effectively boost renewable energy use at the local level. The report outlines three priority areas where cities can take action: renewable energy in buildings (for heating, cooling, cooking, and appliances); sustainable options for transport (electric mobility and biofuels); and creating integrated urban energy systems.
By highlighting the best practices from cities around the world, this report examines the policies and technologies by which cities can bring about a renewable energy future. It provides concrete examples of how municipal leaders and administrators can accelerate the switch to renewable energy at the local level by acting as planners, regulators, financiers and operators of urban infrastructure.

Innovation Outlook: Advanced Liquid Biofuel. Irena, Oct. 2016, 132 p.

The report shows how new breakthroughs can move the development of this key renewable energy technology forward. Success will depend on reliable performance and acceptable costs. Further innovation is also needed in relation to feedstocks and how biofuels are used. Technologies for the production of alcohols like ethanol and methanol could be poised for rapid growth, the report finds, while the search for diesel and jet fuels substitutes continues through efforts to commercialise Fischer-Tropsch (FT) or other processes, or by developing biological routes to hydrocarbons.

Global Wind Energy Outlook 2016. Global Wind Energy Council, 2016

The Global Wind Energy Council released its biennial Global Wind Energy Outlook today, outlining scenarios where wind could supply 20% of global electricity by 2030. The report looks at four scenarios exploring the future of the wind industry out to 2020, 2030 and 2050…

Eau, mobilités, énergies : vers un pilotage coordonné des réseaux / Jean-Christophe Louvet,  Responsabilité Environnement, n° 84, 2016, pp. 33-36

L’évolution du monde s’accélère ; l’urbanisation en est la conséquence, mais aussi le catalyseur. En 2050, il est probable que 80 % de la population mondiale habitera en ville. Il ressort de ce constat que les métropoles doivent d’ores et déjà répondre aux attentes et aux besoins fondamentaux des citoyens et permettre de nouveaux usages, qu’ils soient numériques ou non. Les infrastructures sont au cœur des solutions d’un développement durable des territoires qui soit porteur de croissance.

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Danièle Revel (26 octobre 2016). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (26/10/2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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