Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (15 décembre 2016)
Which Energy Policies for Sustainable Development ? AFD-PROPARCO/EUDN 2014 Conference. Revue d’économie du développement, Vol. 23, hors-série, 2015 http://www.cairn.info/numero.php?ID_REVUE=EDD&ID_NUMPUBLIE=EDD_HS03
Sommaire :
- Energy Challenges for Sustainable Development: How to Avoid a Collapse ? / Gaël Giraud
- Energy and Development in Emerging Countries / John Reilly
- Powering Africa: Facing the Financing and Reform Challenges / Anton Eberhard
- The Impact of Rural Electrification: Challenges and Ways Forward / Maximo Torero
- Impacts of Rural Electrification Revisited: The African Context / Jörg Peters, Maximiliane Sievert
The Deceptive and Unwanted Gas Liberalization Process in Russia / Jeylan Mammadova. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 6(4), 2016, 9 p. http://www.omicsonline.com/open-access/the-deceptive-and-unwanted-gas-liberalization-process-in-russia-2223-5833-1000273.pdf
This paper argues that this perception of the gas liberalization process in Russia is far too rosy. The analysis of the gas liberalization process in Russia demonstrates that there have been very few changes made in the legislative framework that would favor the opening of the market and the involvement of all independent gas players. We find that many of the gas “reforms” undertaken are still such that favor Gazprom and the Kremlin’s control over the sector. We find that the changes in market share are not an outcome of the gas liberalization process, and that many of the reforms (i.e., liberalization of the export market and more favorable regulatory conditions) only apply to two purportedly “independent” gas companies (Rosneft and Novatek) that are in reality owned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s close circle of friends.
An Ambitious Energy Agenda for the G20 / Sybille Roehrkasten, R. Andreas Kraemer, Rainer Quitzow, Ortwin Renn, Sonja Thielges. Potsdam : Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, November 2016, 11 p. (IASS Policy Brief 5/2016) http://www.iass-potsdam.de/sites/default/files/files/policy_brief_5_2016_en_energy_agenda_g20.pdf
The IASS Policy Brief recommends that Germany should use its G20 presidency to push for the adoption of an ambitious agenda for a global energy transition. The policy brief offers three key recommendations : Advance the implementation of the Paris Agreement ; Make sustainable energy a key focus of G20 summits ; End investment in fossil energy infrastructure…
Next Generation Wind and Solar Power – From Cost to Value – Full Report. Paris : IEA, Dec. 2016, 182 p. http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/next-generation-wind-and-solar-power—from-cost-to-value—full-report.html
Renewable power has seen a dramatic expansion in recent years thanks to sharply falling costs. But this growth has raised a new challenge for power-system operators and regulators. Integrating the first few percentage points of variable renewables into generation poses few problems for most power systems. Beyond these levels however, power systems must be adapted and upgraded to take variable renewables into account. Systematic measures for integrating variable renewables will be a priority for countries such as Brazil, China, Mexico and South Africa, where the share of renewable power is growing rapdily. In countries such as Denmark, where variable renewables have become the main source of power, a full transformation of the power system is necessary, including infrastructure, policies and markets. The new report includes a series of country-specific case studies that show how emerging countries can achieve integration. These possible solutions include long-term strategic planning, upgrades to power systems, more advanced variable renewable technology, additional distributed resources and policies that encourage projects with greater system value…
The US Shale Oil Revolution Requires Major Reforms in the Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks and Institutions in the MENA Region / Kamiar Mohaddes and Mehdi Raissi. Economic Research Forum, Dec. 2016, 7 p. (Policy Perspective No. 21) http://erf.org.eg/publications/the-us-shale-oil-revolution-requires-major-reforms-in-the-macroeconomic-policy-frameworks-and-institutions-in-the-mena-region/
The shale oil revolution in the United States, contributing to lower global oil prices, has important macroeconomic implications for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In response to a U.S. supply-driven fall in oil prices, energy-exporters in the region face a decline in economic activity, mainly because lower oil prices weaken domestic demand as well as external and fiscal balances in these countries. Negative growth effects (albeit smaller) are also observed for energy-importers which have strong economic ties with oil exporters, through spillover effects. For the MENA countries the current low oil-price environment provides an opportunity for further subsidy and structural reforms.
The role of coal in Southeast Asia’s power sector / Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Dec. 2016, 60 p. (OIES paper : CL 4) https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/role-coal-southeast-asias-power-sector/
Driven by rapidly increasing electricity demand, Southeast Asia coal demand has surged since 2010. The availability of coal in the region, and its lower cost than competing fuels, has made coal the preferred option to fuel rising power demand. The region added 25 GW of coal-based capacity in the past five years, accounting for 42 per cent of total additional generation capacity. Even the gas-producing countries in the region have introduced more coal in their electricity mix as gas shortages pushed them to diversify their mix. However, this shift compromises the national commitments taken by Southeast Asian governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In the wake of the Paris Agreement, national governments across the region have started to reassess their power development plans, introducing more renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency measures, and reducing the contribution of coal in the electricity mix. This reassessment, however, does not constitute a shift away from coal. Despite the scale back, coal still dominates the targeted additional capacity, followed by natural gas, hydropower, and other renewables: there are 29 GW of coal-based capacity under construction in the region, most of them to be completed by 2020. In addition, there is a huge number of permitted and announced coal-fired power plants in the pipeline, which means that the shift towards coal may continue well after 2020. The growth in Southeast Asian coal demand is therefore mixed: until 2020, it is expected to be steep as more coal-fired power plants are commissioned, but after that date, the rate of growth is expected to slow down significantly. The wide range of outlooks for future coal demand has a significant impact on regional coal trade.
Tools for Energy Efficiency in Buildings : A Guide for Policy-Makers and Experts. Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, November 2016. (working paper) http://www.energyefficiencycentre.org/-/media/Sites/energyefficiencycentre/Publications/C2E2%20Publications/Tools-Energy-Efficient-Buildings.ashx?la=da
To map the existing range of tools and to facilitate building energy efficiency improvements, this working paper presents an overview and categorization of current tools, as well as offers a decision tree, illustrating the types of tools policy and project development in the field of energy efficiency in buildings.
This working paper aims at guiding local policy-makers, technical experts and other relevant stakeholders through the key steps of the policy and project development process through utilisation of publically available tools, helping them to navigate among various information sources on energy efficiency in buildings.
Changer de mix : urgence et opportunité de la transition énergétique en France / Aurélien Saussay, Gissela Landa Rivera, Paul Malliet et Frédéric Reynès. OFCE, 1/12/2016, 10 p. (Policy brief n° 8) https://www.ofce.sciences-po.fr/pdf/pbrief/2016/pbrief08.pdf
La transition énergétique est une opportunité pour l’économie française, avec 0,1 % de croissance annuelle supplémentaire pendant trente ans ; Le coût complet d’un mix électrique renouvelable devient compétitif avec le mix actuel à forte pénétration nucléaire ; Il est urgent d’accélérer la transition dès le prochain quinquennat, afin d’arrêter l’accumulation inutile de capital intensif en carbone ; La transition énergétique se doit de figurer au cœur du projet des candidats à la prochaine présidentielle.
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Danièle Revel (15 décembre 2016). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (15 décembre 2016). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ocgk