Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (11 janvier 2017)
Sustainable Energy in the G20: Prospects for a Global Energy Transition / S. Röhrkasten, S. Thielges, R. Quitzow, R. (eds.). Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, December 2016, 112 p. (IASS Study) http://www.iass-potsdam.de/sites/default/files/files/iass_study_dec2016_en_sustainableenergyg20_0.pdf
Contents :
- Röhrkasten, S., Thielges, S., Quitzow, R.: Introduction and Main Insights from the Study.
- Röhrkasten, S., Westphal, K.: The G20 and its Role in Global Energy Governance.
- Jimeno, M.: Argentina: From an Energy Stalemate Towards Shale Gas Expansion and Creating a Renewables Market.
- Röhrkasten, S.: Brazil: Long Tradition of Renewables-Based Energy Supply and Ethanol Diplomacy.
- Quitzow, R.: China: Emerging Global Power in Clean Energy?
- Westphal, K.: The EU: In the Midst of Crisis – Downgraded Sustainable Energy Ambitions.
- Mathieu, C.: France: Reducing Nuclear Dominance and Promoting a Low-Carbon Energy System.
- Röhrkasten, S., Steinbacher, K.: Germany: Promoting an Energiewende Domestically and Globally.
- Joshi, M., Khosla, R.: India: Meeting Energy Needs for Development While Addressing Climate Change.
- Marquardt, J.: Indonesia: A Long Way to Low-Carbon Development.
- Hughes, L.: Japan: Dominated by Fukushima and Tackling Hard Problems in Decarbonisation.
- Gusev, A.: Russia: A Gas Superpower Striving for Nuclear Expansion and Starting to Support Renewables.
- Sons, S.: Saudi Arabia: Oil as a Burden in the Struggle for Energy Diversification.
- Maupin, A.: South Africa: Carbon-Intensive Economy and a Regional Renewable Energy Frontrunner.
- Richert, J.: Turkey: Great Potential, Missing Will.
- Steinbacher, K.: The United States: Domestic Transitions and International Leadership Towards Low-Carbon Energy.
Energy Efficiency Indicators Highlights 2016. Paris : IEA, December 2016, 154 p. https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/energy-efficiency-indicators-highlights-2016.html
This statistical report is designed to help understand what drives final energy use in IEA member countries in order to improve and track national energy efficiency policies. It provides the first comprehensive selection of data that the IEA has been collecting each year after its member states recognised in 2009 the need to better monitor energy efficiency policies. The report includes country-specific analysis of end uses across the largest sectors – residential, services, industry and transport. It answers questions such as:
- What are the largest drivers for energy use trends in each country?
- Was energy saved because of efficiency progress over time?
- How much energy is used for space heating, appliances or cooking?
- What are the most energy-intensive industries?
Improving energy efficiency is a critical step for governments to take to move towards a sustainable energy system. This report highlights the key role of end-use energy data and indicators in monitoring progress in energy efficiency around the world.
L’Union Européenne et le climat : la contre performance. Lettre Géopolitique de l’Electricité, n° 70, 28 décembre 2016, 11 p. http://www.geopolitique-electricite.fr/documents/ene-209.pdf
La baisse des émissions de gaz à effet de serre par unité d’énergie est deux fois plus lente depuis la promotion des énergies renouvelables sensée l’accélérer.L’étude montre que la promotion obligatoire des renouvelables a conduit à délaisser d’autres facteurs de baisse des émissions par unité d’énergie. En Allemagne cette baisse est carrément stoppée depuis dix ans. La création d’un véritable marché du carbone rétablirait les véritables priorités.
The Future of Gas in Decarbonising European Energy Markets:the need for a new approach / Jonathan Stern. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Jan. 2017, 37 p. (OIES paper: NG 116) https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/future-gas-decarbonising-european-energy-markets-need-new-approach/
The European gas industry has argued that gas can be a bridging fuel in the transition to decarbonised energy markets because of the advantages of switching from coal to gas, and the role of gas in backing up intermittent renewable power generation. While this remains a logical approach for some countries, in others it has proved either not relevant, or generally unsuccessful in gaining acceptance with either policymakers or the environmental community. Policy decisions will be taken in the next 5-10 years which will irreversibly impact the future of gas in the period 2030-50. A paradigm shift in commercial time horizons and gas value chain cooperation will be necessary for the industry to embrace decarbonisation technologies (such as carbon capture and storage), which will eventually be necessary if gas is to prolong its future in European energy markets. To ensure a post-2030 future in European energy balances, the gas community will be obliged to adopt a new message: `Gas can Decarbonise’ (and remain competitive with other low/zero carbon energy supplies). It will need to back up this message with a strategy which will lead to the decarbonisation of methane starting no later than 2030. Failure to do so will be to accept a future of decline, albeit on a scale of decades, and to risk that by the time the community engages with decarbonisation, non-methane policy options will have been adopted which will make that decline irreversible.
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Danièle Revel (11 janvier 2017). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (11 janvier 2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/och2