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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20 février 2017)

The cost of adapting to climate change: evidence from the US residential sector / François Cohen, Matthieu Glachant and Magnus Söderberg. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper No. 297 ; Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Working Paper No. 26, 3 Feb. 2017, 66 p.

Using household-level data from the American Housing Survey, this paper assesses the cost of adapting housing to temperature increases. We account for both energy use adjustments and capital adjustments through investments in weatherization and heating and cooling equipment. Our best estimate of the present discounted value of the cost for adapting to the A2 “business-as-usual” climate scenario by the end of the century is $5,600 per housing unit, including both energy and investment costs. A more intense use of air conditioners will be compensated for by a reduction in heating need, leading to a shift from gas to electricity consumption.

The Impact of Climate Change Skepticism on Adaptation in a Market Economy / Matthew E. Kahn, Daxuan Zhao. NBER, February 2017, 23 p. (Working Paper No. 23155)

Climate change will increase the risk of temperature extremes. Induced innovation could offset some of this threat. This paper explores the demand and supply for climate adaptation innovation in a market economy. Climate change induces this innovation because the rising temperatures increase demand for self protection products and for profit firms respond to these incentives. We then augment the model to introduce climate skeptics. Such skeptics reject the claim that the world is warming and thus do not increasingly demand adaptation products. We study how the economy’s rate of adaptation innovation, cross city migration, real estate pricing and the welfare of agents with rational expectations are all affected by the presence of such skeptics.

Chiffres clés de l’environnement – Édition 2016. Commissariat général au développement durable, février 2017, 72 p. (Datalab n° 9)

Cette publication dresse un panorama concis des enjeux environnementaux en France. S’appuyant sur une sélection de données synthétiques, elles-mêmes adossées à des séries temporelles longues, ce recueil fournit un rapide aperçu des principales tendances caractérisant les relations entre la société, l’économie française et l’environnement.
L’objectif est de mobiliser l’ensemble des citoyens face aux défis écologiques auxquels est confrontée l’humanité (changement climatique, dégradation et contamination des milieux, érosion de la biodiversité, épuisement des ressources naturelles, exposition aux risques).

Urban Governance and the Politics of Climate change / Vanesa Castán Broto. World Development, available online 10 February 2017

Cities and urban areas are increasingly recognized as strategic arenas for climate change action. Processes of urban governance addressing climate change reconfigure the politics of climate change. Practitioners and scholars may be interested in the transformation of urban governance that follows global advances in climate change and urban policy. They may specifically be interested in how the urban governance of climate change is achieved and with what consequences for international development. This review evaluates the deep changes in urban governance that follow attempts to address climate change and how, in turn, attempts to govern climate change in urban areas reconfigure discourses informing the politics of climate change. The review shows that efforts to institutionalize climate change governance in urban areas reflect the conditions of specific contexts; that cities and sub-national entities have gained traction in international climate policy through heterogeneous forms of network governance; that governing climate change in urban areas relates to the production and deployment of new climate rationalities, or governmentalities; and that governing experiences in cities are reconfiguring discourses of climate change governance toward an increasing emphasis on experimentation as a means to deal with the open ended processes of governing urban areas.

The Politics of Climate Change Is More Than the Politics of Capitalism / Dipesh Chakrabarty. Theory, Culture & Society, first Published February 8, 2017

Discussion of global climate change is shaped by the intellectual categories developed to address capitalism and globalization. Yet climate change is only one manifestation of humanity’s varied and accelerating impact on the Earth System. The common predicament that may be anticipated in the Anthropocene raises difficult questions of distributive justice – between rich and poor, developed and developing countries, the living and the yet unborn, and even the human and the non-human – and may pose a challenge to the categories on which our traditions of political thought are based. Awareness of the Anthropocene encourages us to think of humans on different scales and in different contexts – as parts of a global capitalist system and as members of a now-dominant species – although the debate is, for now, still structured by the experiences and concepts of the developed world.

Environnement et ressources naturelles. Revue française d’économie, vol. XXXI, 2016/3

Sommaire :

  • Économie de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles / Gilles Lafforgue, François Salanié, Luc Rouge
  • Environnement, croissance et inégalités : le rôle particulier du canal de la santé / Karine Constant, Natacha Raffin
  • Pollution de l’eau au Mexique et risques environnementaux / Emmanuelle Lavaine
  • Réduction des émissions des CO2 chinoises et gaz de schiste / Marie-Hélène Hubert
  • Émissions polluantes et dynamique du secteur industriel indien / Hélène Ollivier
  • Les réserves spéculatives de pétrole des pays de l’Opep durant la « bataille des quotas » / Mathias Berthod
  • Transferts de technologies propres, commerce international et accords environnementaux / Matthieu Glachant, Julie Ing, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï
  • Politiques climatiques : cessons de vouloir payer pour esquiver nos responsabilités ! / Étienne Billette de Villemeur, Justin Leroux

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (20 février 2017). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20 février 2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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