The European Gas Markets: Challenges and Opportunities
The European Gas Markets: Challenges and Opportunities / Manfred Hafner and Simone Tagliapietra, eds. Springer, 2017 ISBN: 978-3-319-55800-4 (Print) 978-3-319-55801-1 (Online)
Table of contents :
- The Role of Natural Gas in the EU Decarbonization Path / Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra
- The Potential Role of Gas in Decarbonizing Europe: A Quantitative Assessment / Carlo Carraro, Massimo Tavoni, Thomas Longden, Giacomo Marangoni
- What Outlook for European Gas Demand? An Overview of Possible Scenarios / Anouk Honoré
- Impact of German “Energiewende” on Gas: Responding to Marginalisation in a Politicised Environment / Ludwig Moehring
- The Role of Gas in the European Electricity System of the Future / Fabio Genoese
- The Prospects for Gas in the European Transportation Sector / Chris Le Fevre
- Global LNG Market Outlook and Repercussions for Europe / Anne-Sophie Corbeau
- Global LNG Pricing Dynamics and Impact on Europe / Thierry Bros
- The New Russian Gas Export Strategy After the Ukraine Crisis / Tatiana Mitrova
- Earthquakes Shatter Dutch Gas Roundabout: Gas Dream to End Soon / Cyril Widdershoven
- Norway: A Reliable Long-Term Natural Gas Supplier for Europe? / Oeystein Noreng
- The North African Gas Export Outlook Between Commercial and Political Challenges / Francis Perrin
- Toward A New Mediterranean Gas Hub? / Dario Speranza, Daniela De Lorenzo
- The Southern Gas Corridor / John Roberts
- The Evolution of European Gas Pricing Mechanisms / Jonathan Stern, Howard Rogers
- The Future of Gas in the Energy Union: Managing Its Decline? / Jean-Arnold Vinois
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Danièle Revel (22 août 2017). The European Gas Markets: Challenges and Opportunities. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse