More than Meets the Eye: The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy, in Plain English
More than Meets the Eye: The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy, in Plain English / Ruth Greenspan Bell and Dianne Callan. World Reources Institute, July 2011, 17 p.
This policy brief explains the various steps in calculating the social cost of carbon, the weaknesses and strengths of those calculations, and how they are used to inform climate policy. The aim is to help policymakers, regulators, civil society, and others judge for themselves the reliability of using the resulting numbers in making policy decisions. (© WRI)
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Danièle Revel (13 juillet 2011). More than Meets the Eye: The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy, in Plain English. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse