Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (jeudi 28 septembre 2017)
Wind energy in Europe: Outlook to 2020. Brussels : WindEurope, September 2017, 46 p. https://windeurope.org/about-wind/reports/wind-energy-in-europe-outlook-to-2020/
This publication, the first in a series of annual reports, analyses how EU markets will develop in the next four years, starting with an in depth analysis of the first half of 2017.
Wind energy in Europe: Scenarios for 2030. Brussels : WindEurope, September 2017, 32 p. https://windeurope.org/about-wind/reports/wind-energy-in-europe-scenarios-for-2030/
This report describes three possible scenarios for wind energy capacity installations in 2030 based on WindEurope’s analysis of the potential conditions determining wind energy deployment post-2020.
Géopolitique des infrastructures énergétiques en Europe / Angélique Palle, la revue internationale et stratégique, n° 107, 3/2017, pp. 133-143 http://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-et-strategique-2017-3-p-133.htm?WT.mc_id=RIS_107
Dans le domaine des infrastructures, celles consacrées à la production et au transport d’électricité occupent une place particulière. Elles sont le soubassement physique sur lequel reposent le fonctionnement et la continuité des économies et des modes de vie des sociétés s’inscrivant dans les dynamiques de la mondialisation. Bien que ne faisant pas partie des domaines traditionnellement régaliens des…
Unconventional gas development in Vietnam: opportunities and challenges / M.-T. Le, Journal of world energy law & business, vol. 10, n° 1, March 2017, pp. 14-29 https://doi.org/10.1093/jwelb/jww038
Vietnam is one of the most dynamically emerging countries in Southeast Asia and in the world. With the high rate of economic growth (average about 6–8% per year), the energy demand of Vietnam in the future will be huge. Vietnam’s challenge for the upcoming period is to ensure energy resources for economic development, associated with sustainable development, environmental protection and to combat climate change. Therefore, selection and use of appropriate and effective energy is one of the important factors. In addition, the development of clean energy sources is essential in the future. In the present context, the developments of renewable energy sources and nuclear energy have various restrictions, while traditional energy such as coal and oil is being exhausted. Consequently, unconventional gas development can be a good solution for Vietnam in the future. In addition, the replacement of traditional energy sources such as coal and oil products plays a role in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially in the power sector. This article will analyse the opportunities and challenges impacting upon the development of unconventional gas in Vietnam.
Affordable warmth, clean growth: Action Plan for a comprehensive Buildings Energy Infrastructure Programme. Frontier Economics, September 2017, 88 p. http://www.frontier-economics.com/publication/affordable-warmth-clean-growth/
Increased energy performance in buildings has strengthened UK energy security, reduced energy supply infrastructure costs, and now saves the typical dual fuel household £490 per year. Between 2004 and 2015, gas consumption for a typical dual fuel household fell 37% and electricity consumption fell 18%, despite a significant increase in the number of household appliances. This saving was driven substantially by energy efficiency improvements – including in lighting, appliances, heating systems and insulation. But progress has now stalled. Changes to Government energy saving programmes in the UK contributed to a 53% drop in the annual level of investment and an 80% reduction in the number of improvement measures installed in homes between 2012 and 2015. In addition, plans for higher energy efficiency standards for new homes have been halted. However, the energy saving potential in UK homes has still to be fully tapped. A recent UK Energy Research Centre briefing found that cost-effective investments in residential energy efficiency and low carbon heating over the next 20 years could reduce energy demand by 25%. At current energy prices, this would reduce average household energy costs by £270 per year. In total, this represents an energy saving equivalent to the annual output of six nuclear power stations the size of Hinkley Point C. Appraisal based on HM Treasury’s methodology finds that the net benefit of this saving would be £7.5bn (before considering wider health and economic benefits).
Searching for Natural Gas Demand in the Next Decade, Oxford Energy Forum, n° 110, Aug. 2017 https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/oxford-energy-forum-searching-natural-gas-demand-next-decade-issue-110/
The expectation of an oversupplied gas market up to the mid-2020s has put natural gas demand back on the radar. This edition of the Oxford EnergyForum is dedicated to gas demand outlook in various regions of the world, with the starting point being the open question on whether, when, where and, eventually, at what price there will be sufficient demand to absorb the coming LNG wave. The first ten articles investigate the challenges and expectations for future gas demand in the main importing regions: Europe, Asia and South-East Asia, the MENA region and South America. Because it is difficult to draw common conclusions even at the regional level for diverse group of counties, authors provide separate views on key markets and there are three articles that specifically focus on Turkey, China and India. Following on from that, two articles consider the potential for new gas and LNG markets, with a focus on the particular case of the Ivory Coast and the role of FSRUs. The subsequent article focuses on the prospects for gas as a transport fuel as scarcely a day goes by without an announcement of new investments in shipping or refuelling facilities, or the conclusion of a cooperation agreement. Last but not least, the final article explores the relationship between coal and gas and what could be the key catalyst for coal-to-gas switching in the various regions.
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Danièle Revel (28 septembre 2017). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (jeudi 28 septembre 2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ocnz