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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (10/10/2017)

EU climate leadership after Paris: rising to the challenge? / Stefan Böβner and Harro van Asselt. October 2017, 17 p. (CARISMA project ;  Discussion Paper N° 3)

The European Union has often been described as a leader of climate change action, and convincing arguments can be found to support this leadership claim. However, recent economic, political and institutional developments such as the decision of the UK to leave the bloc or the rise of populist parties throughout Europe have put pressure on the EU itself and pose some significant challenges to its climate leadership role, particularly since current EU policies are unlikely to meet its commitment under the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 2 degrees. At the same time, with US president Donald Trump turning his back on multilateral climate action, EU climate leadership is more necessary than ever. This discussion paper shows how the EU has led on climate change issues in the past, and analyses the current challenges EU climate and energy policies face. It also presents suggestions for improving internal climate and energy governance, and describes how the EU could reclaim its international leadership role by strengthening existing partnerships with non-EU countries and capitalising on its extensive governance experience and climate know-how.

Improving coherence in the post-Paris global climate governance architecture / Harro van Asselt and Stefan Böβner. Aug. 2017, 20 p. (CARISMA project ;  Discussion Paper N° 2)

This discussion paper examines the broader architecture for global climate governance after Paris and offers suggestions for improving coherence within international climate governance that can be implemented by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, Parties to other international legal instruments, non-Party stakeholders, and other relevant actors. It begins with an overview of three significant areas of climate action initiated outside of the UNFCCC – focusing on other international legal regimes, minilateral climate coalitions and actions by non-Party stakeholders – and offers some indications of how such action may evolve in light of the Paris outcome. It then discusses the ways in which the United Nations climate regime is linked to action taken in other venues, with a focus on the Paris Agreement. The discussion paper ends with three suggestions on how those relationships could be strengthened, namely: (1) enhancing the visibility of non-UNFCCC climate action; (2) developing operational linkages; and (3) monitoring and review).

Panorama mondial des prix du carbone en 2017 / Clément Métivier, Sébastien Postic, Emilie Alberola et Madhulika Vinnakota. I4CE, octobre 2017, 5 p.

En septembre 2017, I4CE met à jour sa base de données sur les politiques explicites de tarification du carbone. Ce panorama présente les tendances observées en 2017 dans la mise en oeuvre des politiques régionales et nationales de tarification du carbone. Carte du monde, tableau et graphique de synthèse fournissent toutes les informations publiques collectées par I4CE sur les juridictions disposant ou ayant prévu d’établir des politiques explicites de tarification du carbone, le type d’instrument choisi, la couverture sectorielle, les niveaux de prix du carbone et l’utilisation des revenus générés.

Tackling Environmental Problems with the Help of Behavioural Insights. Paris : OECD, May 2017, 148 p.

Behavioural insights can help policy makers obtain a deeper understanding of the behavioural mechanisms contributing to environmental problems, and design and implement more effective policy interventions. This report reviews recent developments in the application of behavioural insights to encourage more sustainable consumption, investment and compliance decisions by individuals and firms.
Drawing on interventions initiated by ministries and agencies responsible for environment and energy, as well as cross-government behavioural insights teams, it portrays how behavioural sciences have been integrated into the policy-making process. The report covers a variety of policy areas: energy, water and food consumption, transport and car choice, waste management and resource efficiency, compliance with environmental regulation and participation in voluntary schemes. It shows what has proven to work – and what has not – in policy practice in OECD countries and beyond.

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Danièle Revel (10 octobre 2017). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (10/10/2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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