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Revue des blogs – mardi 10 octobre 2017

World Without Exhaust Pipes / Monica Araya, Project Syndicate, 9/10/2017

The growing popularity of electric vehicles is set to curb one of the largest sources of global pollution. But a consumption bias continues to impede many buyers’ embrace of the technology, and until it is addressed, electric mobility will fail to reach its potential, particularly in developing countries… lire

Capacity building for climate change: lessons from other regimes / Kevin Adams, SEI weekly briefing, October 2017

This brief, prepared by AdaptationWatch, puts the case that because not all countries have equal capacity to adapt to climate change, and because those with the least capacity are hit first and hardest by impacts, it is critical that the Paris Agreement’s capacity building provisions are implemented successfully… lire

L’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire est-elle trop sévère ? / Sylvestre Huet, {Sciences2}, 5/10/2017

Les quatre réacteurs de la centrale nucléaire du Tricastin sont à l’arrêt. Sur ordre de l’Autorité de Sûreté nucléaire, émis le 27 septembre. Grognant que cela ne lui semblait pas nécessaire, EDF a respecté l’ordre. Et, du 30 septembre au 4 octobre, les équipes du Tricastin ont successivement mis à l’arrêt les réacteurs, privant le système électrique des 4×900 = 3600 MW de puissance de la centrale. Cette décision et l’obéissance immédiate de l’industriel confirment l’effectivité du pouvoir de contrôle de l’ASN dont la décision ne peut être contournée, que ce soit par l’industriel ou par le gouvernement. Elles posent toutefois une question : l’ASN serait-elle trop sévère ?… lire

Unraveling the Oil Geopolitics Intertwined in the Kurdish Independence Referendum / Amy Myers Jaffe, Energy, Security, and Climate, 4/10/2017

For over a decade, U.S. efforts to promote stability across the Middle East have run afoul of many complexities. The recent independence referendum in the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) territory of Iraq is no exception. Both the sudden actualization of the referendum and some of the related geopolitical maneuvering associated with it, could provide new challenges for the United States in the region and harken back to a repeating failure of even seasoned American diplomats to head off conflicts over the final dispensation and control of important disputed oil and gas assets… lire

Richard Thaler: The 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics / Timothy Taylor, the Conversable Economist, 9/10/2017

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2017 has been awarded to Richard Thaler “for his contributions to behavioural economics.” What is behavioural economics, and why does it merit the prize? The Nobel committee offers some useful resources for addressing these questions, including a  short  and readable “popular information” essay “Easy money or a golden pension?Integrating economics and psychology,”  and a longer “advanced information” essay that digs a little deeper into the economics, “Richard H. Thaler: Integrating Economics with Psychology”… lire

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Danièle Revel (10 octobre 2017). Revue des blogs – mardi 10 octobre 2017. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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