Renewables 2011
Renewables 2011 global status report. Paris : REN21, July 2011, 116 p.
REN21 was established in 2005 to convene international leadership and a variety of stakeholders to enable a rapid global transition to renewable energy. REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) was first released later that year; it
grew out of an effort to comprehensively capture, for the first time, the full status of renewable energy worldwide. The report also aimed to align perceptions with the reality that renewables were playing a growing role in mainstream energy
markets and in economic development (…) The increasing need to optimize the process of GSR data collection led to the
launch in 2010 of REN21’s Renewables Interactive Map. Today, it is a streamlined tool for gathering and sharing information online about developments related to renewable energy. With interactive features that allow access to
regularly updated policy and market overviews by country, region, technology, and sector, the map makes relevant information more accessible and dynamic. It also offers GSR researchers and readers the possibility to contribute on an ongoing basis while connecting with the broader renewable energy community. The Renewables Interactive Map can be found at… (© REN21)
-> voir aussi “2010, année record pour les énergies renouvelables”, article paru le 15/07/2011 dans la Tribune
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Danièle Revel (15 juillet 2011). Renewables 2011. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse