Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (25/10/2017)
Assessing cross-border integration of capacity mechanisms in coupled electricity markets / Mauricio Cepeda. Chaire European Electricity Markets, université Paris Dauphine, 24 October 2017, 24 p. (Working Paper #29) http://www.ceem-dauphine.org/assets/dropbox/CEEM_Working_Paper_29_Mauricio_CEPEDA.pdf
There is momentum in a number of European electricity markets towards the implementation of national generation capacity mechanisms. This renewed interest in capacity mechanisms raises the question of the cohabitation of both relatively well-integrated short-term energy markets and national generation capacity mechanisms. This paper examines a key issue of generation adequacy policies in a multi-market environment: the effect of foreign generators and interconnectors’ inclusion in national capacity mechanisms. The results show that the absence of cross-border participation could lead to significant social welfare losses associated with over- and under- capacity procuring risk. We also find that the inclusion of foreign generators in national capacity markets increases efficiency relative to the case where only interconnectors can participate.
Global Gas Security Review 2017: How is LNG Market Flexibility Evolving? Paris: International Energy Agency, October 2017, 98 p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264285477-en
Natural gas markets are changing at a rapid pace, moving from regional integration to a more globalised and interdependent market. This transformation is creating new security-related concerns, which remain alive despite the current state of oversupply in the gas market.
The International Energy Agency’s second annual Global Gas Security Review offers an extensive assessment of recent gas balancing issues and related policy developments linked to security of supply, as well as lessons learned from recent events.
This year’s edition also updates the liquefied natural gas (LNG) flexibility metrics that were developed in last year’s report. Our latest data shows a continuing improvement in supply and contractual flexibility, which are expected to develop in the near future, along with the growing diversification of market participants and a lasting situation of oversupply.
To improve the risk assessment of importing countries, the report introduces a new typology of LNG buyers as a tool to measure market exposure, and related security of supply issues per type of buyer, as well as provides a measure of future LNG market evolution.
The Council Legal Service’s assessment of the European Commission’s negotiating mandate and what it means for Nord Stream 2 / Katja Yafimava. Oxford Energy insight, n° 19, 2017 https://oxfordenergy.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8945cd1683e44d29b0867d49b&id=a52ba1dfaf&e=09ee446e9c
On 12 June 2017 the European Commission (EC) asked the Council of the European Union (EU) (Council) for a mandate to negotiate an agreement with the Russian government on the operation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. On 27 September 2017 the Council’s legal service delivered an opinion, which stated that there is no legal rationale for granting the mandate and that the decision would be a matter of political choice for which the consent of all member states would be required. By rejecting the applicability of the EU energy acquis (specifically the Third Gas Directive) to Nord Stream 2, the Council’s legal service destroyed the main premise of the EC’s argument that the mandate – and the agreement – is necessary to avoid a ‘conflict of laws’ and a ‘legal void’.
Energy performance gaps: promised, people, practices, Building Research & Information, vol. 46, 2018 (Some of the papers are free to view) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbri20/current
This special issue explores the social dimensions of the energy performance gap in buildings
- Energy performance gaps: promised, people, practices (editorial) / Kirsten Gram-Hanssen & Susse Georg
- Managing professional jurisdiction and domestic energy use / Faye Wade, Niamh Murtagh & Russell Hitchings
- Performance gaps in energy consumption: household groups and building characteristics / Paula van den Brom, Arjen Meijer & Henk Visscher
- Harnessing social class, taste and gender for more effective policies / Minna Sunikka-Blank, Ray Galvin & Carrie Behar
- Learning to live in a smart home / Tom Hargreave, Charlie Wilson & Richard Hauxwell-Baldwin
- Smart technology in the home: time for more clarity (commentary) / Sarah J. Darby
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Danièle Revel (25 octobre 2017). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (25/10/2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ocp2