Revue des blogs – jeudi 2 novembre 2017
Behavioural economics is also useful in macroeconomics / Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji, Vox, 1/11/2017
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models are still dominant in mainstream macroeconomics, but they are only able to explain business cycle fluctuations as the result of exogenous shocks. This column uses concepts from behavioural economics to develop macroeconomic models with endogenous business cycle fluctuations. Application of the models highlights how the trade-off between output and inflation is moderated by the flexibility of the economy. The models further help to explain the international transmission of business cycle fluctuations… lire
Comment l’électricité renouvelable remplacera les combustibles fossiles / Cédric Philibert, Energies et changements climatiques, 27/10/2017
Il paraît qu’un bon schéma vaut mieux que de longues explications, alors je vous propose celui-ci, qui montre les deux voies par lesquelles l’électricité renouvelable, venant essentiellement du soleil et du vent à terme (aujourd’hui c’est encore l’eau, l’hydroélectricité, qui domine largement la production électrique renouvelable), remplacera les combustibles fossiles… lire
The Changing Geopolitics of Energy / Joseph S. Nye, Project Syndicate, 1/11/2017
In 2008, US policymakers worried that increasing dependence on energy imports, together with rising prices, would severely constrain American geopolitical influence. Instead, the revolution in shale energy has brought about a tectonic shift in international relations, one that promises to boost US global power in the long term… lire
« Le niveau des contributions nationales établies avant l’Accord de Paris doit être révisé à la hausse », Idées pour le développement, 31/10/2017
Négociatrice de l’Accord de Paris en 2015, Laurence Tubiana est désormais directrice de la Fondation européenne pour le climat. À la veille de la COP 23, elle fait le point sur les avancées faites pour le climat depuis l’Accord de Paris et la COP 21… lire
Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (and Activities at COP-23 in Bonn) / Robert Stavins, An economic view of the environment, 31/11/2017
It’s well known that the Paris Agreement has achieved broad participation by countries accounting for some 97% of global GHG emissions (in contrast to the 14% of global emissions associated with countries taking on responsibilities under the current commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol). That is a very important accomplishment, but as negotiations begin to elaborate key details of the Agreement (as they will in Bonn in November), a critical question is how to create incentives for countries to increase ambition over time… lire
Climate Leadership Means Ending Fossil-Fuel Production / Tzeporah Berman and Lili Fuhr, Project Syndicate, 1/11/2017
A fossil-fuel-free economy can happen either by design or by default. If it is built by design, it can account for issues such as human rights and equity for workers; but if it evolves by default, it could cause economic disruptions and drive political polarization for years, or even decades, to come…. lire
Oceans on the front lines of global climate change / David G. Victor, Planet Policy, 31/10/2017
The genius of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change is that it lets countries set their own commitments. In theory, that has allowed governments to pledge efforts that align with what they are willing and able to implement, which could help the Paris Agreement remain flexible even as the underlying circumstances in countries change… lire
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